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Date Posted: 22:52:56 10/29/04 Fri
Author: Mike Smith
Subject: Fire Restrictions Lifted

News Release
USDA Forest Service

Angeles National Forest

Contact: (626) 574-5208

Angeles National Forest Fire Restrictions Lifted
Low Fire Danger Allows Campfires
ARCADIA, CA: October 29, 2004

As a result of recent heavy rains, the Angeles National Forest has reduced the fire danger level from MODERATE to LOW. This decreases the fire restrictions that had prohibited campfires anywhere within the Forest since July 23, 2004. Restrictions on camp stoves in parts of San Gabriel and San Antonio Canyon were lifted on October 20.

Effective Saturday, October 30, 2004, the LOW fire danger level allows for the following:

Wood or charcoal fires at developed recreation sites.
Gas, jellied petroleum, or pressurized liquid fuel camp stoves are allowed outside of developed sites, however, a California Campfire Permit is required.
Smoking is allowed only in enclosed vehicles and other designated areas.
Other restrictions still apply including:

No fireworks.
No shooting of tracer, armor piercing, or steel core ammunition.
Forest Service approved spark arrestors are required on off-highway vehicles, chainsaws, and other internal combustion engines.
Welding, grinding, cutting and use of explosives allowed only with permit.
Fire restrictions in the Angeles National Forest are determined by a graduated system that becomes more restrictive as fire danger levels increase and decreases when the conditions change. EXTREME fire conditions closed much of the Forest from September 27, through October 19, when vegetation moisture reached critically low levels prior to the much-needed rain.

The recent heavy rains have increased the risk of flooding and mudslides. Higher elevations received snowfall and icy conditions may be present. Forest visitors are cautioned to be aware of the weather at all times, and to prepare accordingly. This includes bringing extra clothing, food, and water whenever coming to the Forest.

“Even though the past two heavy rain storms have reduced the fire danger level to LOW and the wetter conditions are promising, folks should still be cautious with their campfires and stoves. Things can change fast if we begin to get high winds. Just look how quickly we went from fire danger to flood danger,” said Angeles National Forest Fire Chief, Don Feser.

For more information on the status of specific recreation sites, please contact the corresponding District Office listed below or visit the Forest website at www.fs.fed.us/r5/angeles.

Los Angeles River Ranger Station (818) 899-1900
San Gabriel River Ranger Station (626) 335-1251
Santa Clara-Mojave Rivers Ranger Station (661) 296-9710

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