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Date Posted: 17:21:34 09/10/05 Sat
Author: Terry Morse
Subject: Re: Slide Mt. Lookout
In reply to: Terry Morse 's message, "Slide Mt. Lookout" on 12:16:18 09/08/05 Thu

I answered my own question by hiking up to Slide Mt. Lookout today. For anyone that cares, the first part(the dirt road) has been bulldozed and is smooth all the way to where the smaller trail begins. I remember a bench being at that spot, but all that has been washed away by a large mud slide from last winter's rains. There used to be an area there where a car could park & turn around, but no more. A little ways up that trail is a short cut up a ridge that bypasses the washouts on the switchbacks. I took the switchbacks up, but the ridge shortcut back. Beyond that, the trail is in good shape all the way to the lookout. It was very cold & windy on top. One thing I noticed was the huge amount of trash along the asphalt road beyond Frenchman's Flat. Looks like the Forest Service has stopped emptying the trash bins and the area needs a good cleanup. Another thing were the many large plops of bear poop filled with the seeds of the cherry-like bushes that grow up there. Those bears get a lot of roughage in their diet. One scary thing happened on the drive there; Right around the Oak Flats Campground turnoff, there were two deer on the left side of the road. I was looking at them when a third deer darted out in front of my truck from the right. I almost hit it and there wasn't even enough time to react & brake. That would have been a mess. All in all, a nice day for a hike.

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