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Date Posted: 20:59:57 05/06/03 Tue
Author: Chuck McFate
Subject: Re: Sunset, various others...plus other local Lookouts?
In reply to: Steve & Stacy Nichols 's message, "Sunset, various others...plus other local Lookouts?" on 00:29:40 05/06/03 Tue

Hey Steve & Stacy,
As far as I have been able to find out there is no comprehensive list and/or guide to lookouts of Southern California. One of the main reasons is that there are multi agencies involved not just the USFS. If you have not already found this site, go to


find the link to the National Historic Lookout Register.
They have the most info on lookouts including some CDF ones.

I have not done any research in about a year so there could be more out there.
If you happen to find something, let us know.

Thank you for your interest.

See you up on the Mountain.

Chuck McFate

>About nine or ten years ago on a day trip to Mt Baldy
>(at the time we were residents of nearby Upland), we
>stopped in at the Visitor's Center and discovered the
>allure of Lookouts. Since then we've become addicted
>to researching both past and present locations all
>around Southern California -- we've made the treks to
>South Mt Hawkins, Vetter, Keller, Butler, Strawberry,
>Morton, and Cajon (which is only the tower structure
>still at this time, as no cabin has been rebuilt),
>plus the old location of Thomas Mtn (one of our
>favorite places to go camping!).
>Naturally, we've also paid homage to Johnstone at the
>Fairplex...and we're on the waiting list for a Morton
>rental. ;-) On an old USFS map (where we located
>Cajon), another lookout site jumped out at us, which
>was Sunset Pk down South of Mr Baldy. On a late night
>hike we located the foundation where Sunset's Lookout
>sat atop. Soon we have plans to visit Black Mtn, Red
>Mtn and Tahquitz.
>Our query is this: (and we've thus far been stymied at
>every turn, asking Lookout Hosts, USFS volunteers,
>Rangers and even Officers with the Forest Supervisor's
>Office) -- Where might we be able to find a
>comprehensive listing of ALL the Lookouts within
>Southern California, present AND past, including those
>which no longer stand (such as Sunset) but where there
>may be a hint of foundation or other clues to a
>tower's [perhaps former] existence anywhere in the
>Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland and Los Padres
>Thank you so very much for any information and
>assistance anyone can provide. Feel free to email us
>if you like!
>Steve & Stacy Nichols
>Apple Valley, CA

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