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- Allarming practice in many communities to put children and teens to sleep and do secret pelvic examinations -- Knuit Holt, 18:11:45 04/20/17 Thu
Please scroll down to read about the growing practice in many communities of doing mandatory pelvic examinations in children and teens, often secretly under general anesthesia.
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By Knut Holt
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Mandatory Pelvic Examinations in Children and Teens - a practisestedily more common
In many communities around the world, a practice has been established to put children and teens to sleep without much explanations, neither to the kid himself, nor to the parents, and subject intrusive internal inspections through the body openings of the kid. Often one performs endoscopic inspections through all body openings, specimen taking through all body openings and internal function tests in many parts of the body.
But the urinary opening, vagina and anus, as weell as the genitals, always are of the greatest attention by these examinations. Inspections with instruments put in through holes made in the abdominal wall, most often the navel, are also frequent. Boys and girls are subjected equally often to these ordeals and they occur in all countries in the World, but so far only in selcted communitnies. Steadily more communities seem to establish the practice though.
This has been revealed by collecting stories from people that have experienced it, and by analyzing these stories. In the following there is a description about the protocol followed during these ordeals, revealed by the analyzis.
What is becoming standard for those two age levels for both boys an girls are somewhat like this.
- The day before the child gets laxatives and only liquids so that the digestive system is clean when going to the health center, or the parents are instructed to give a small enema to help the child get clean the day of the exam.
- When arraving the child will be asked to go to the toilet once more, to undress and lay down on a stretcher with a blanket to cover the body. There the child will get some stuff to be relaxed and drowsy which can be administered in various ways epending on the policy of the health center.
- After this the colon of the child will be flushed several time with an automatic machine or the colonic type to make it totally clean, while the child lies in a sedated state.. The exact methods of colon cleansing before the exam, varies conciderably from setting to setting and will also depend on the thorroughnes of the exam planned. Big enemas of the old fashioned type is seldome done any more.
- Then the child is wheeled into the examination room and placed in appropriate positions, which will vary according to the differnt exams done. Some kind of stirrups or equipment to hold the legs spread and fixed will typically be used for both girls and boys.
One will usually begin by examining the kid manually and by external equipment. Obe will perform:
- A general assessment of the hip joints and the musculature in the pelvic floor, by which a finger may be inserted in the anus and also the vagina in girls.
- Inspection of the belly zone and hip joints with an ultrasound sond. For both boys and girls a hernia check with the aid of the ultrasound sond will often be done.
- A neurological exam with touching or electronic sonds to stimulate reflexes and physiological reactions, but one will by all means avoid this test to be interpreted as sexual stimulation. On the other hand, the reactions in the pelvic zone during these stimulations will be used to assess wether the child has been sexually exploited by someone, or has sexual habits.
- For boys a visual inspection of the genital organs, with retraction of the foreskin, spreading of the urethral opening and palpation of the scrotum with testicles. Specimen taking with a swab or sond from the urethral opening.
- For girls a visual inspection and palpation of the outer parts of the vulva. After that separation of the vulvar lips with inspection of the inner contents, including urethral and vaginal opening. Specimen taking from the urethral opening and the outer vagina with a swab or sond.
- Testicular ultrasond inspection of boys.
After that the mainly external examinations has been done, one will often proceed by more intrusive inspections through the body openings:
- Inspection with specimen taking in the vagina with a thin scope, and not a speculum for younger girls, possibly a speculum for girls in full puberty.
- Vaginal ultrasond inspection for girls.
- An inspection of the urethra of boys in all its length with a thin ultrasond sond.
- An inspection of urethra and bladder with a cystoscope, an exam that has become very easy to do without much disconfort due to the technical development.
- Catheter inserted in the bladder to instill contrast fluid and then examination of the bladder region with an ultrasound probe. The catheter is thereafter let stay in the bladder to drain urine and to serve as a marker during the rest of the exam.
- A possible functional test of the bladder and urethra by fluid pumped in and by a special catheter that can be pumped up, and muscular reactions and pressure monitored.
Thereafter the anal region and the inner organs that can be accessed through the anus will no be inspected. One useually performs:
- Inspection and probes taking in the anus using a speculum.
- Inspection of the pelvic area with an ultrasound sond inserted into the anus.
- Anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with probe taking.
- A possible functional test of the anus and lower colon with insertion of a tube that is inflated at several points and reaction monitored.
The pelvic inspections are always present in these exams, but intrusibe inspections by other routes are also frequent, for example:
- Endoscopic inspection end specimen taking in the nouse.
- Endoscopic inspection and specimen taking down through the esophagus and in the stomach.
- Endoscopic inspection and specimen taking into the throut, trakea and lungs.
- Endoscopic inspection, specimen taking amd tissue samples taking inside the abdominal cavity with a small opening made through the navel or just beneath the navel.
- Placemkent of electronic chips inside the kid that makes it possible for authorities to follow the kid and read body functions through radiocommunication all the time.
The exact sequence of these exams will vary, from clinic to clinic, and depending of the technology used, two or more of these examinations will often be performed in one handling only.
A parent will in some clinics be allowed and even required to stay with the child during the exam and help the child though, but some clinics prefere to give the child deeper sedation, and even general anesthesia to hide the particular for both the child and the parents.
Some clinics will at the end of the exam teach the caregiver about regular checks they can do or even are required to do on the child and how to report findings. Other clinics will regard such teaching as an invitation to child abuse, and even worn parents against close handlings of the child¨s body.
Before this special exam, the child has typically already had a general physical with examination of the whole body, with blood tests and all other standard tests.
What will the doctor look for during the extensive pelvic checkups.
Some purposes of these exams is to assess the exact development status of the child or teen or to get aware of pelvic problems that needs attention or treatment. This information shall then be used by parents, teachers, sport coaches and other with responsibility for the child during school activities, sport activities and daily routines.
Children and teen also have frequent pelvic problems that usually are overlooked, and the purpose is to catch up such problems so that they can be resolved, or managed during appropriate support.
Some of the things one will look for in girls are:
Development of the shape of clitoris, genital lips and vagina.
Symptoms of hernias that can be seen in the vulva
Imperforate hymen in girls.
Infections of presens of unwanted microbes in the vagina.
Vaginal secretion
Signs of first menstruation
Some of the things one will look for in boys are:
Testicular and scrotal development
Secretion from the prostate and signs of testicular activity
Prostate development, which tells a lot about maturation stage in boys.
Patological processes in the testicles and prostate
Inguinal hernias and similar problems
Narrow foreskin
Urethral valves - flaps of connective tissue where the urethra joins the bladder that partly hinders the flow of urine and can cause urination trouble and infection. Most often affecting boys
Things they will look for in both boys and girls are:
Uretero-pelvic reflux -Ineffective valves where the channels from the kidneys join the bladder, which can cause urine to be pressed up against the kidneys and cause injure and infection in the kidneys. Both boys and girls.
Abnormal placement of the urethral opening and narrow urethra.
Infection or presens of microorganisms in the urethra and anus.
Neurological or functional problems in the bladder, lower colon, rectum or anus, or changes caused by such problems.
Too small bladder capacity.
Signs of chronic inflammatory processes in the digestive system.
Orthopedic problems and rheumatic diseases afflicting the hip joint and the muscles in the pelvic area.
Areas in the urethra, anus or lower colon that are too narrow or abnormally shaped.
Symptoms in the pelvic region caused by problems in other body areas.
In addition to the beneficial reason for these exams, there are other more murky and usually secret incitement for these becoming routine:
- Authorities in a area require these exams to be done and reports issued regarding each child.
- A general suspicion of parent of sexual abuse.
- A general surveillance of the population and their intimate habits, including sexual.
- Scientific projects.
A reason that I have abundant evidence for, but that surprised me in the beginning is this: Some primary schools, usually private ones, cooperate with athletic schools and dance academies to find suitable candidates for these schools, and use these exams to find children that are physically suited for these schools.
If they are found suited, subsequent exams of this type under sedation are done more often, an the child is typically manipulated to delay the puberty, enhance flexibility, and control the growth during these exams, to make them suited as dancers and gymnasts.
The most disturbing aspects of these examinations is the placements of chips into the kid, so that authorities can know where the kid is at any time, and read out data about the bodily fuctions at any time.
It also seems that these chips give the possibility to modify the neurological and hormonal functions in the kid through radiocommunication, a fact which is downright allarming.
It looks like these exams and the chip placements is a deliberate step towards a society where the individuals are controlled by authorities at will at any time.
By Knut Holt
For more health information, please visit:
Have you experienced something like the things told about? Please tell your story through these investigation polls.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events
Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.
Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.
Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.
I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.
The address of the poll:
Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:
In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.
Poll about cystoscopy:
By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.
Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Boy, schoolage 6-9, North America, Bladder augmentation
At schoolage 6-9. The procedure happened in North America. The procedure occured in 2010 or later.
I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area. I had cystoscopy or other procedure through my urethra. I had an operation to make my bladder bigger.
I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. It was in a hospital in a big city.
I was given sedative medicines through my mouth. They gave me a mask that smelled like fruit punch. The procedure happened in a hospital. My bladder was too small.
My parents brought me. I had to have a couple of enams before the opertion one just asfter i came to the hospital, one before i went to bed that night and one in the morning before the operation.
The operation was supposed to be anywhere from 5 to 7 hours. mine was only 5 and a half. Before I had the operation I was only allowed to have clear liquid and jello for 3 days.
I had IV tubes, but i don't remember what they all were. No breathing tube, just a mask. I had catheter, I had to have it in the first 3 of the five days i was in the hospital after the operation. Wlectrodes gor just monitoring my heart. They checked my urine output and did an ultrasound. I was asleep the whole time.
Bladder augmentation seems to be fairly often done to boys. One may however ask if this is one of the many procedures kids go through unneccesary or where other treatments would be better. The reason for this is that a part of an intestine is usually used to make the bladder greater. Therefore there will also be a change in the digestive system and the bladder will be patched with something that will not work as the rest of the bladder and the chance of complications is great.
The thorrough cleaning of the didgestive tract was to prepare for the cutting out of a part of an intestine.
Boy, 13 yo, Canada, abducted from cabin at summer camp, probably by government
I am male. It happened at summer camp in Canada. I was 13 at the time.
I was lying in bed in my cabin. I had just gone to the bathroom. Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from.
I didn't see the vehicle but I was taken up in a bright light through the roof of the cabin. They floated me along suspended in the air. I suddenly was inside the vehicle or some foreign place without knowing how it happened.
They also took with them other persons, teenagers, together with me. The first room I was in was like a waiting room and me and my other cabin mates were all lying on beds that looked like hospital beds.
When waiting I was strapped down. When waiting I had some device at my urinary opening to keep me empty. When waiting I had some device at my anus to keep me empty. When waiting I had a mask over my mouth and nose. I saw teenage people being prepared together with me.
I was then taken to an operating room with glass walls in it and put onto a table with bright lights over it. They stripped me totally naked. They washed me. They emptied my bladder with a tube inserted into my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device inserted through my anus.
Yes it was an operating room like I described before. I could see my cabin mates in other rooms They took off my boxers that I was sleeping in, washed me and then emptyed my bladder and intestines.
They monitored my reactions with devices on my head. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone. They stimulated me with electrodes at various body parts and tested my reactions. I was kept in the same room as before before the tests.
They hooked up wires to me and ran machines over me.
They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments onto my eyes and looked into them. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose.
They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach. They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs. They stuck some needles into parts of my head or neck. They examined my head with electrodes. They examined my head with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They examined my head and neck in other ways.
I didn't feel anything at all and they were doing the same thing to everyone in different rooms.
They looked and felt at my breast. They examined my breast with something like x-rays or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They examined my stomach with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my stomach.
They looked and felt at my back. They examined my back with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my back. They examined my breast, stomach and back with electrodes. They examined my breast, stomach and back in other ways.
I don't really remember much they seemed to be curious about my belly more than anywhere else.
They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction. They used something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment on my joints and limbs. They stuck needles into my joints and limbs. They examined my joints and limbs with electrodes. They examined my limbs and joints in other ways.
I don't really remember much about what they did except move my arms and legs around.
They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined the outside of my genitals and pelvic area with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They inserted a thin and long instrument in through my urinary opening, like a cystoscope.
They stuck something like an ultrasound sond in through my anus. They inserted a thin and long instrument through my anus, like a colonoscope.
They stuck needles into my genitals. They examined my intimate zone in other ways. They put some needles into my balls.
I was lying down on my back the whole time. Sometimes they moved the table to elivate my legs.
I don't remember anything else except they said I would go to sleep
soon and wake up in my bed again.
I do not remember how I got back, but I woke up at the place where they took me.
I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. When I woke up I had my underwear on backwards and they were another boys and I had my appendix removed.My clothes were messed up or put back clumpsily. Some clothes were changed with somebody else's clothes.
I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out. We all had small scars where our appendix should have been. Nope not at all.
The kids were most probably examined and used in some secret governmental surveillance project directed on children and teens. The whole procedure followed a standard international protocol used for extensive examination of kids, sometimes as a part of secret projects, but in some communities atound the world as a mandatory procedure all kids go through, but is nevertheless never spoken about to the public.
The fact that the kids did not ask very much about what had happened afterwards is an effect of the anesthesia given. The staff at the camp did not react either, because they knew what was going on. It see,s that governments use summe camps very much to subject kids to such secret projects, and Canada seems to be very much involved in these projects.
The body development status, the stomach area and the intimate area are always of most interest in these projects. They probably stole tissue from the abdominal area, including the apendices, for use in research and for treatment of other patients. This tissue was surely sold through the international organ trade market.
The ordeal most probably began by the staff giving the kids some anesthesia through their evening meal, injected some anetshesia gas into the kabin, or knocked the kid out with some kind of electromagentic rays also bright light over the kids had the effect of knocking them out and making them feel like floating.
Then they came in and carried the kids to a secret medical area, possibly underground. The staff surely disquized themselves by wearing masks and uniforms for the task. Some kind of anesthesi make the patient feel like floating and going towards the roof, for example ketamine.
Knut Holt
Girl, North America, well-child physical with endoscopic examinations through pelvic openings
I am a female. Year 2000 or after. In North America. I was examined in a hospital. Please tell more about the place where you was examined: my regular doctor. My dad took me. The doctor and assistants examined me , while my dad was present. My regular doctor, and she had 3 assistants, also female doctors.
They examined my head, teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my organs inside my stomach.vThey examined my genitals and my rectal zone. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones.
They inserted instruments into my urinary opening, not sure what it was. They inserted instruments into my vagina, not a speculum, unsure. They inserted instruments into my rectal openin, not a speculum, unsure.
They performed a neurologic exam with electrodes on my body. They performed an electrocardiogram of my heart. They performed a exam with electrodes on my head. They performed a full functional test of my breathing, heart and blood circulation under workload.
They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.
They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.
I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: various. standing, laying flat, stirrups. Any strange equipment or arrangements in the exam room? I have no idea what it was.
Firsyly took me and my dad into a room and told me to undress, then took me out into the hall to be weighed and measured. A nurse took all my clothes and shoes.
Thirdly led me and my dad to a different room with a bed. Then took rectal temperature. And then this was done: standing, bending, squatting. They also looked in ears, eyes, mouth. The exam ended with me laying down, legs in stirrups, electrodes monitoring various things, breast, genital, rectal exam.
It took a really really long time. About the reason I have no idea there was nothing wrong with me. I am still confused by how long and thorough it was.
I do not remember exactly how they examined my urinary system, but they did something down there.","they stuck something in there.
They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They took speciments (pap smears, etc) from my vagina with an instrument. They performed an outer ultrasound exam of my female genitals and lower tummy area.
They perfomed an ultrasound exam through my vagina. They also applied some gel to my clitoris that made it really engorged, then examined.
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They examined my rectum with an inserted finger. They took some measurements inside my rectum or bowel with a long tube-like instrument.
They did some more things, these were: some thing inserted in my rectum and vagina at the same time, im really not sure what or why.
I was called in for quite another thing, but they also examined my genital and urinary zone. It was just supposed to be a followup. I was called in for quite another thing, but they also examined my rectal zone. It was supposed to be just a followup.
Someone strange person came and performed an intimate exam even though I was called in for quite another reason, my doctor and 3 other doctors, all women.
Someone strange person came and performed a social interrogation even though I was called in for quite another reason. One of the women, not my doctor, asked me lots of questions, lots of really personal questions.
I was brought to orgasm during the exam. The exam took a very long time, and my dad was there the whole time! It was pretty mortifiying.
The exam did not result in any diagnosis, still not sure why or what it was for.
New exams as follow up: Follow up with my primary doctor a month later, that was just a normal exam. nothing was said. No other kind of followup. maybe it was just some sort of study i was volunteered for?
The girl did not tell her age when this occured. Some areas in the world have started to do extended examinations of all children and teens where inspections and specimen taking in the urinaty system, vagina and lower digestive tract is als
o performed. Often the children are called un individually for these exams. They may be mandatory or recommended, depending on community. Interrogation of social relations also is commeon during these exams. One purpose of the exam is surveillance of the young persons in the community for use both by the school and all type of authorities.
But this could also have been a part in ascientific project. It is possible that the parents got money for letting the doughter take part.
Based on the description it looks like 3 things were done in both her urethra, bladder, vagina, anus and lower colon: Ispection with an optical scope, taking of specimens of secretions and microbes, measuring of shapes and sizes to get an exact picture of her development stage.
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Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform
Us Gambling Industry Investment And Business Guide (World Business, Investment and Government Library)
Study of Culture at a Distance
Chile in story and pictures (Pictured Geography series)
Cheesemonger: A Life on the Wedge
La Mesure De Nicolas De Stael (Monographies) (French Edition)
An Introduction to the Bible: Stories of God's People Bk.. 1
Willie Morgan - on the Wing - My Autobiography
RiverRun Story to Screenplay Reader
Where's Papa: Fathers Role in Child Care
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Golf
John Wesley: Holiness of Heart and Life
The Devil's Dictionary (Webster's Bulgarian Thesaurus Edition)
An Anthropologist in Japan: Glimpses of Life in the Field (The ASA Research Methods)
Group Treatment for Adult Survivors of Abuse: A Manual for Practitioners (Interpersonal Violence: The Practice Series)
Adventures of Willem and Booey: A Caravan Trip
Chinatown Ballads
Zanthon: A Novel (Classic Reprint)
The Silk Road: Art and History
Every Soul a Star
Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror #3)
Structures: The Way Things Are Built
A First Cookbook for Children (Dover Children's Activity Books)
Alice in Motorland (The "Motor car magazine" series)
Sisters at the Well: Women and the Life and Teachings of Jesus
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States 2009 (World Today (Stryker))
3D Studio Max 2013 - Curso Pr
Bernard Romans: Forgotten Patriot of the American Revolution
OGT Secrets Study Guide: OGT Exam Review for the Ohio Graduation Test
What a Party!: My Life Among Democrats: Presidents, Candidates, Donors, Activists, Alligators, and Other Wild Animals
Successful Family Business: A Proactive Plan for Managing the Family and the Business (Non-Series)
Stonehengeology: Prehistoric Wiltshire Unravelled
Observations on the sanitary advantages of tide-water Virginia, embracing Virginia Beach as a winter health resort
PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide
The Roads I Traveled, Were Not All Paved
Healing the Hurting: Giving Hope and Help to Abused Women.
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- Investigation & Prosecution Of Dwi & Vehicular Homicide -- booisa, 21:42:24 03/23/14 Sun
>>> Investigation & Prosecution Of Dwi & Vehicular Homicide <<<
Investigation & Prosecution Of Dwi & Vehicular Homicide, Sulabha pancatantra
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