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Date Posted: 05:12:29 11/28/18 Wed
Author: Knut Holt
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Interesting research polls about strange or intrusive medical and psycological exams or procedures kids and adults are subjected to. You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. The polls already have a lot of interesting testamonials you can read and comment upon.

If the links are not active, you can copy them and use them in the address line of your browser where they will work.

Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




Girl 12yo Eastern Europe Cystoscopy at school for research

My doughter had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Eastern Europe when she was 12 years old in the period 2000-2004. She had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school.


We got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. They took vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

She got lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through her urethra, and got a shot to calm down and make sleepy. She had gown around her but the lower body was naked. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.


They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. Other additional exams.


The procedure was a part of a research project. It was not any big deal.


Cystoscopy and other pelvic inspections are so common in the preteen period that most children experience it in many societiesm both girlsd and boys. Frequent reasons are screening for diseases and abormalities, research about development, researching frequency of diseases and microbes in the young population and screening for sexual abuse or disappoved sexual habits.

The responder indicated other additional exams. It is highly possible that they also inspected her vagina and anus too, or used ultrasound probes through her anus and at her stomach, since cystoscopy alone seems somewhat incomplete for such a research project, but that she did not recognize it clearly because she was sleepy from the anesthesia.

These procedures are not painful or disstressful if performed gently and with analgesic lubridation and some calming medication, as also indicated by the responder. General anesthesia are seldom necessary by these procedures, but still this is often used.

It seems however that the girl got so much sedative medicine that it was difficult to rememember, which often is the main purpose of this medication.

Knut Holt


Boy, 12yo, Western Europe, Pelvic focused assesment in bording school

I am male. It happened in Western Europe, 1970-1979, 12 years old. I got no information. My parents drove me to the exam that happened at a special medical room in the school apart from the nurse's office. It happened to a selected percentage of the children in my community.


My stomach was cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair but with devices to lift my legs onto.

I was placed in many positions during the exam: I was placed to lay on my back with straight legs. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon the two devices. I was placed to lay on my stomack with streight legs and to lay on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread.

I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus. I did not get any anesthesia except some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary openingm as I know. I was mostly awake during the procedure.


They examined my hip area with an ultrasound device or something similar. They examined arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar.

They used electrodes at my belly to record body functions. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube.

They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. Parents took me home.


I attended private boarding school.


This is a standarized procedure that all children at that age, or a selected percentage, go through in many societies or schools in the world, and it is coordinated internationally. But the procedure is never spoken about to the public. The procedure has a long history. originally it focused mostly on all parts of the pelvic regian, the lower stomach and the general body development, as told in this story.

The procedures is done much more now than ever and is by now extended with testings and inspections also in other body areas.

It is possible that the boy got anesthesia through the tube in his anus initially, so that he slept during parts of the procedure and much more was done.

The arrangements after the procedure suggest that his urethra and parts of his colon were blocked out to make bowel movements and passing of urine more easy. or some other adjustments were done. This seems to be fairly often done with kids in bording schools when they go through this procedure.

Knut Holt



Boy, 15yo, Western Europe, extensive pelvic focused exams and adjustments

I am male. It happened in Western Europe. 2015 or later, 15 years old. It was announced a few days before the exam took place. Parents got a message about the exam. The only information I got was that there would be a health exam that would take a whole day and we would go there in a group by bus from school early in the morning, to a special establishment used for these type of exams.

I'm not totally sure how the selection for the ordeal was done. but had impression that it was something like: A selected percentage of the children in my school of the age group and also children that have shown more than just standard interest for sexual matters.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. My stomach was cleaned out by a tube inserted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine.

I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon a simple examination table and also upon an advanced surgical table. I was placed to lay on my back with streight legs and on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.

I got IVs, tubes into blood vessels, in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg.

I got electrodes on my cheast, stomach, hip region, legs and head.

I got a tube or wire in through my urethra and a tube or sond in through my anus. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my anus.


They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. , They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work, like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed.

They examined me with an ultrasound device at my, shoulder area, upper body, stomach area, hip area, arms and legs.

They took x-ray pictures of my chest, stomach, shoulder area, hip area and limbs.

They used electrodes to record body functions at my head, chest, belly, limbs.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. , They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope , They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. , They took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube.
They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.

They took specimens from the inside of my belly with a needle or tube through a hole in my belly button.


It took about an hour to get to the place for the exam and we arrived around 8 in the morning.

We went into a large building that didn't looked like a ordinary hospital. It was just a simple door with a small sign above saying Medical Center.

First we all had to undress and put all of out clothes in a locker and then we were taken into a shower room. In there we were inspected by a nurse and all who had more than just very little body hair were taken to one end of the room and had the body hair shaved off. I don't have much body hair, but I still had to be shaved. They shaved off all the pubic hair and arm pit hair and the little hair I had on arms and legs.

Then we were told to shower. After the shower we sat down in a small waiting room before taken into examination rooms. In there they first did some basic tests, both while I was standing and laying on a simple examination bed and then they put a lot of electrodes all over my body, also on my genitals.

I had to stand up and was told to stand as still as possible while they asked a lot of questions and showed many pictures of both people and items. Then I had to do exercises, first like flexing muscles, bending down, stretching and other poses and then running on a treadmill for what felt like a quite long time.

After that I was placed on some kind of advanced examination table with a lot of equipment around it where the rest of the exam were done. I was also strapped to the table so I could not move.


They used several metal rods in my urethra, first rather thin and then bigger and bigger before using the other scopes and tubes. They then also filled my bladder with both air and fluids. They filled my bladder with some fluid and kept it in there for a long time, probably several hours. That felt awful, like I was desperate to pee but couldn't.

They also examined my testicles very thoroughly by feeling and squeezing them and they also used various devices on my testicles.

The exams took a long time and they did so many things, using a lot of different devices both in my urethra, bladder and anus. They also used a syringe with a thick needle to insert into my belly button which felt very weird and a bit painful.


They held me inconscious for some hours I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. , I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam.

I lay in the bed for maybe an hour before the equipment was removed, all except for the catheter. After that I was taken back to the shower room to take a shower and then got dressed and all went back to the school by the bus. I had to keep the catheter for 5-6 weeks.


Once a week I had to go the school nurse to give urine and sperm samples and once a month I had to go back to the center for follow-up exams for the next 6 months. Those were not so extended, but took 3-4 hours. I had to be completely naked for all those exams too.


I attended private boarding school. It was an all boys private boarding school with special orientation to sports where I attended the swimming program.


Basically this was an internationally standardized and coordinated procedure that is used on all or selected kids in many communities all over the World at specific ages, but generally not told about to the public. It is especially focused on checking the development status of the kids. It is often supplemented by extra assessments ordered by the schools that the kids attend.

Surveillance of the kids in the society and research always seem to be objectives for these ordeals too.

Often the exam conclude by a need for adjustments in the urinary system, lower digestive prgans and genitals of the kids. These adjustments are seldome done to correct real development disturbances, but more often to conform the functions like urination, bowel movements, sexuality and puberty to standards established by the society or the school.

This seems to be the case with this boy since he was held incoscious for some hours, had a tube going in through his anus afterwards, had catheter for some weeks and several follow-up tests and procedures.

Knut Holt


Boy, 7-20yo, Eastern Europe, extensive internal health checks, adjustment and research

I am male. It happened in Eastern Europe, 2000-2009 2010-2014, each year from 7yo to 20yo.

I receive the invitation by post. One week before the examination I was not allowed to have more physical strain or sex or hurt. I had to shave my whole body which I did not do.

My parents told me to go to the general exam.
And they told me that it was in my interest and I had to listen to everything without interference. Otherwise I would get a severe punishment upon return.

I got there by various means from time to time: My parents drove me to the exam sometimes and I went there alone by myself somtimes, to a room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event, to a health center and to a doctors office. The exam also occurred at home.

It seemed that the selcection criteria for the exam varied at the different times and age groups, and it could be: All children in my school of the age group, all children with some kind of health problem, children that had been treated or examined by a psychologist or psychiatrist beforehand, all children that authorities suspected had been subjected to sexual abuse, or all children that have shown more than just standard interest for sexual matters.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got laxatives at home to clean out my stomach the day before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. I sometimes got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach. My stomach was sometimes cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine.

I was uncloded each time, but the uncloding procedure varied: Sometimes I was totally naked through all the procedures. Sometimes I mostly only had my underwear on the time I stayed awake. Sometimes I had to take all my clothes off just before I got anesthesia. Sometimes the staff took my clothes of some time before the anesthesia had made its effect. Sometimes I had to strip totally naked before the exam.

Since the exam occurred many times with various procedures, I remember all thinkable positions I was placed in:

They placed me upon a simple examination table. They placed me upon an advanced surgical table. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair but with devices to lift my legs onto.

I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up spread and mounted upon two devices. I was placed to lay on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread. I was placed to lay on my right and left side.

I got IVs tubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got IV tube into blood vessels in a leg. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a toe. I got electrodes on my cheast. I got electrodes on my stomach or hip region. I got electrodes on my legs. I got electrodes on my head. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus. I got something to swallow.


They adminitered various kind of anesthesia on me at the various times:

Parts of my body got numbed by a shot with a syringe. I got anesthesia through a tube into my anus that had effect on my whole body. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my anus.

The anesthesia sometimes only took away pain. Sometimes they paralyzed my whole body and I got artificial breathing. Sometimes the anesthesia made me relaxed but I was conscious. Sometimes I was mostly awake during the procedure despite anesthesia given.


They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They performed an ECG functional test of the heart function with electrodes on my chest and other body areas.

They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed. They did some other type of test with advanced machines.

They examined me with an ultraound device at my head, neck, upper body, stomach area, shoulder area, hip area, arms and legs.

They took x-ray pictures of my chest stomach, shoulder area, hip area and my limbs.

They used electrodes to record functions inside my head, my chest, belly, limbs.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They inspected the inside of my nose with a scope They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube.
They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.

They made an opening in my belly button or just under it and inspected the inside of my belly with a scope. They took specimens from the inside of my belly with a needle or tube through a hole in my belly button.


I had breathing tube. I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. I just lay some time in a bed to recover. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam.


After washing, my whole body shaved
- my whole body was measured (head neck, breast, abdomen, hands, feet penism testicles ...) they measured the mobility of all my joints
- I had to go naked, run, jump, squats, handles ... until exhausted
- I have injected my breast and both testicles
- my penis inserted an electrode that vibrated and gave electric shock
- I had to repeat myself
- the whole examination was shot by several cameras and very photographed. The test lasted from 8am to 19am.


About two hours I lay naked with my legs in the stirrups while checking my penis testicles and anus several times and using a cool ointment.
There was another naked boy and two girls in the room.
Then they gave me two pills and I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up in bed I was still naked with a blanket and all over my body I had electrode on both the penis and the testicles the electrodes I had in the penis and the rectum.

My hands were tied behind my head and legs more than 90 degrees apart were strapped to the bed. I still had a catheter in my penis.
An hour later the doctor examined me in detail removed the electrodes and exchanged the catheter.

I was photographed naked and shot at camera in different positions (lying on the bed on my back and on my stomach on the four and standing on all sides and from the bottom). After lunch they returned my clothes and drove me home. With the catheter I had to take an exam every day and take it out in a week.
During the inspections I have received several injections, allegedly antibiotics.


I went to a Montessori school. I went to a evening or weekend ballet school.


A great part of what is told about here is a standard exam procedure all children go through at certain ages in selected communities and schools around the world. The procedure is coordinated by some international organizations, most probably Unicef or WHO.

Montessory schools very often participate in this program.

But this boy also seemed to have participated in an even more extensive probram with the purpose of studying the bodily development of kids. Kids in ballet schools and Montessory schools are often used for such research, and the schools and sometimes the parents get money for it.

It also looks that thay treated him inside his urinary system and stomach to adjust his bodily functions so that they conformes to requirements from the ballet school or the society, and perhaps to adjust some real development problems found.

Knut Holt


Boy, 10yo, Cystoscopy performed at home

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America when I was 10 years old in year 2008.

A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit.


Got no explanation. The exam was a total surprize. They just said: spread your legs and relax. It was at home.

Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. It was almost like peeking in reverse.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside. It was so wierd, i can't really explain how it felt but having that rod in me was so strainge. It was the strangest feeling thing ever.

They only had an adult sized cope so they had to use those instead of the kiddie version.They went all the way to make a house call and brought the wrong sized scope.


Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.


The reason was problems with urination. It was useful. It was not any big deal. It was humiliating or awful.


It looks like certain places in America have special teams that visit homes of children and teens in order to perform intimate procedures when a child gets problems with intimate functions, or just as a mandatory health check with focus on the intimate zones. It is not told if the urination problem was accute or or was something recognized some time.

But because the exam was a big surprize, I guess that this was a mandatory check to see if the boy had problems in the genitals, urethra and bladder, and that they just said he had problems with urination, and that the same happened to other boys in the area too, and possibly also girls.

It looks like those that prepared the equipment for the team thought that an older teenager was the patient and packed a wrong sized cystoscope.

Knut Holt


Please see further down for links to some interesting polls with many testamonials about things doctors and authorities do to children, teens and adults, often secretly from the public or even hided for the individuals with anesthesia.

If the links are not active, please copy them and use them in your browser's address field.

Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for men and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections, female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood. You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

If the links are not active, you can copy them and use them in the address line of your browser where they will work.
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex



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