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Date Posted: 02:48:35 05/12/04 Wed
Author: Grasscat
Subject: The first post is thus...
In reply to: Grasscat 's message, "Her stats are thus..." on 02:46:32 05/12/04 Wed

((I just might have gone over 20 lines...))
((Do you mind about her having a son?))

The clear sky above left the sun uncovered by cloud, making the air around Rinali hot as she made her way through the Perches. She nodded to each of the riders around her, and they murmured greetings, looking up from washing their dragons, who in turn blinked in acknowledgment. Pausing for a moment, the old woman looked over to the crowd of weyrlings, smiling at the treasured memory of her own first flight with Lilith. The queen was, as ever, a warm presence in the back of her mind, though she was in her personal weyr at the moment, one that overlooked the Perches themselves, with a good view of the sea besides.
What do you think of the new queen, Lil? Rinali asked, studying the flight of the gold dragon with her tall rider.
I like her. Responded Lilith. She has already a good sense of responsibility. Her rider may be temperamental, but that will pass. The old queen was a fine judge of character, though it did take a lot for her to realise that Shrineth was the lead queen. But the dragon contented herself with the fact that Shrineth would never be the senior queen. Not how Lilith was.
Rinali nodded to herself and continued into the main building. She could feel her dragon closing her eyes and settling to enjoy the sun, and she would rather be out there than inside. Maybe she would go and join her later…
As she entered the dining room, Rinali smiled with approval. There were a scant handful of riders in here, all the rest were out enjoying the beautiful day. The young needed to make the most of what they had. She picked up a bowl of stew from a drudge, grabbed a few rolls of bread, and seated herself next to a tall man who wore the shoulder knots of a bronze rider. “Hello, W’ntyr!”
He turned, a smile spreading out over his face as he recognised her. “Mother!” He moved along on the bench. “How are you?”
“I’m fine.” She replied acidly. “But I haven’t seen you in yonks! Where have you been all this time? And wasn’t that Garneth I saw a while ago haring off after a green in flight?”
His smile widened as she mentioned the flight. “Yes. That’s where I’ve been all this time, actually. Gar caught the green, and I have a Weyrmate!”
Rinali frowned. “Why wasn’t I told of this?” She asked him, and then relented to her only son. She hugged him warmly, kissing him on his cheek, her eyes all but disappearing with wrinkles. “I can’t be angry. What’s her name? Or is it a he? And why have you been spending so much time with them?”
Unfazed, her son explained. “Her name is Elaini. And she’s pregnant, so I won’t let her out of my sight.” He told her, grinning. He was used by now to his mother’s questioning.
“Pregnant? Your father would be proud.” She told him, and he blushed, protesting. “No, don’t argue. Lilith’s flight with Ptoth was when you were conceived, and you have a dozen half-siblings in every Weyr in the country.” M’jan, the father of her son, had the morals of a tomcat, and just as much stamina. His dragon had flown Lilith when Rinali was 36, and he 40, and, though he was never made Weyrleader, he always had an attachment to Rinali, and had helped raise their son. He wasn’t Weyrleader since he was the most irresponsible rider in all of Pern, and he didn’t want to be forced into responsibility that he would shirk.
W’ntyr sighed. “Oh well. You must meet Elaini! I really want you to get along. You’ll be a grandmother!”
“I feel old.” She replied, rolling her eyes. “I hope Lilith betweens before I go old and blind.”
I will between now if you do not wash me soon.
W’ntyr frowned, but paid no other attention to his mother’s usual litany. Rinali, her stew finished, got up. “Sorry, dear, but I really have to get going. I promised Lilith I’d give her a scrubbing, and I am being called!” He nodded, understanding how persuasive a dragon could be.
The Old Weyrwoman set off back to her weyr, replying to her dragon’s pleas. I’m coming, dearling. Did you know about Garneth and his Weyrmate?
Of course. Said the queen smugly. Her name is Rishanath.
Why didn’t you tell me?
I did not feel like it.

((The second post will come soon...))

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