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Date Posted: 11:33:47 05/16/04 Sun
Author: FF
Subject: Commence the further history!
In reply to: Fat Friar 's message, "Thus comence the statistics of mah darl." on 09:30:40 05/16/04 Sun

Rinali, stitching patiently, didn'/'t hear the Weyrling Master approach. She grinned up at him, showing the brown rider how she had secured the handle of the flamethrower to her harness. A complex pattern of stitches, interlapping and +weaving over, under, and through the handle, secured it in her typical rose design.
"Good job. Ready to fly? Your harness is over there, by the lake.'
His voice was gently teasing. The whole weyr knew that Rinali was afraid of heights. Falling off a bronze and breaking several limbs will do that to a person.
Rinali adjusted the black harness on the golden hide, checking tit so it wasn't too tight or loose. Rinali swung up, and began loosening upo.
Rinali sat between the last two neckridges, her slender frame fitting with room to go. Lilith spread her wings for balance, and a breeze lifted her a few feet up. Lilith faltered, and flapped her wings to soar higher.
Get me down! Lilith, I'll fall! GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!!!!!!
Lilith folded her wings obediantly, spreading them a bit to make a smooth landing.
Why must we stop flying? It is the most wondrous senstion!
Yes, a wondrous sensation where I fall! I don't want to fall!
I will not drop you!
Rinali just fell from her gold's neck, frightened too much to move. Suddenly, the Weyrling master wass there. "You seem to have broken a bone in your frenzy to get down. Would you like to lie down?"
Rinali tried to reply, but her mouth was drier than cotton from her scare. She couldn't breathe! She clawed at her throat, desperate.
Suddenly, a collness flitered through her dry throat, moisturizing, and refreshing. She wasn't in the perches though. Her wherhide was off, and her nightgown was on. What had happened? A voice spoke. The crispness of the MasterHealer. She recognized him. "A few sevendays, and she'll be fine. Right now, amkew sure she drinks this tea and the medicine, and I'll be back to check on her arm."
Rinali bolted up. Her arm? What was wrong with it? It was covered in white. Dazed, Rinali's drugged mind deciphered that her arm was broken, and liberally covered in numbweed. She fell back asleep after drinking some fellis juice.

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