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Date Posted: 09:53:26 05/23/04 Sun
Author: *CW*
Subject: I hope that this one sends right. I hate this thing, and it hates me!!!!!
In reply to: *CW* 's message, "sORRY ABOUT THAT. rEAD THIS." on 09:48:28 05/23/04 Sun

Rinali moved slowly, deliberately. She was about to creep up on B'nederra's Kierth. She roared, laughing. Her twin whirled from oiling his bronze. "That's not funny! Why do you have to act like you're fourteen, Rina?"
"I am fourteen., you dimglow! You are too, might I add."
Her brother snorted, not convinced.

Rinali moved to her queen. "Oh, come on, Lil! You need to lighten up! I mean, we only got out of Weyrling lessons, you aren't even full-grown, and you're assuming the Weyr queen's position! Naughty thing!"
I do not!
"Do to."
Not true
"Is too true."
Why are we even arguing? Now, you will act your own age, and I will act mine.
Rinali shrugged. When Lilith got into this mood, there was no reasoning with her. She pulled a wire brush over, and began scrubbing the itchly left leg her queen complained about. Not missing the implication, Rinali began working in oil, and scrubbing the itchier spots.
Lilith moved to the lake, shakling her rider off. I want to get wet.
"But you just got clean! I'm going to have to clean you all over again! Why can't you ever make up your smalll mind?"

Rinali groaned inwardly. Not even old enough to fly, and Lilith was already flirting with the bronzes! Her queen flirted endlessly with her friend's bronze, Tranth.
Rinali saw her friend, Valor, oiling her green. She was about to hustle over there, but she remembered her training. Staps small, Rinali held her chin level, and eyes straight ahead. She made it only about halfway to the lake, and broke her floating stride. Her legs widened, and she began running for the sheer joy of running. Dodging blues, browns, bronzes, and greens, she braked at Valor's side. Her friend turned to her, still moving her brush she was using to rub in oil.
"So, did it work?"
Valor had been the master mind behind the prank on B'nederra. Rinali always went to her best friend for pranking her brother. Her own twin was B'nederra's friend. Rinali pranked him as often as her own brother.
>>Okay, this is her as a little one, just Impressed. I will have an up to date post very soon, but I want it clear that she's a prankster, or was in her youth.<<

Sorry about all the wrong posts. I keps changing what I typed!

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