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Date Posted: 14:08:04 09/02/04 Thu
Author: Grasscat
Subject: Sample...
In reply to: Grasscat 's message, "Can I..." on 14:06:51 09/02/04 Thu

With a wide grin, Garein gave the thumbs up to his best friend. Wyntyr – W’ntyr, now – had just Impressed a bronze, and he returned the gesture as he took Garneth out of the Hatching Ground. W’ntyr’s mother, Weyrwoman Rinali, watched with pride as her son took out his little dragon, and caught Garein’s eye. The two got on remarkably well.
There weren’t many other eggs left on the sand. Only about eight, and there were no bronzes left – you could tell from the size and colour. Only blues, greens, and the odd brown. Not that Garein had a chance of Impressing a bronze anyway. The fifteen-year-old fidgeted. He had never been one for staying still for any length of time. He preferred to be moving.
With a sudden crack that made all heads turn, two eggs broke simultaneously. A blue and a green eyed each other for a moment, and then parted, the blue finding his rider in a boy to the other side of the Hatching Ground.
A voice called to him. A regal, female voice. He looked around, and his eyes were caught by the now-blue ones of the green that had hatched. You what? He was puzzled.
You are G’rein now. And I am Grenith!
The boy stared at the dragon, and she stepped towards him and butted his chest. “Grenith? But –”
Shush. What is wrong? She was reproachful. I thought you liked me!
He couldn’t resist her. He reached out one hand to scratch one still-damp eye ridge. “I do, sweetheart! I just…wasn’t expecting you, that’s all.”
Well, if that is all that is wrong…I am hungry!
He laughed. They were going to get on well together. He had no qualms about Impressing a green. He was Weyrbred, after all, and used to it. His uncle had Impressed a green.
“Come on then, Grenith. Let’s get some food!”

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  • Well -- Pup, 10:11:07 09/12/04 Sun
  • So...? -- Grasscat, 12:21:48 09/12/04 Sun

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