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Date Posted: 02:47:20 12/09/04 Thu
Author: Grasscat
Subject: His stats...
In reply to: Grasscat 's message, "Pup, I e-mailed you about this!" on 02:44:36 12/09/04 Thu

Name: Martan

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Appearance: Of average height – maybe about six feet tall, Martan has the look of a man who is equally comfortable in the fields or inside. His stature is rather broad and muscular, his hair dark brown, and his skin lightly tanned. He looks out at the world with dark eyes, and there is always a faintly distracted smile on his face. He is reminiscent of a man who holds something behind his smile, almost as if he hears something nobody else does. You an often find him looking out of a window, or standing, staring at something. It doesn’t look scary, just as if he is in deep, deep thought. Which he often is. His left shoulder gives him almost constant trouble, an old injury.

Personality: Inconspicuous and with a rather vague countenance, Martan is not the kind of man you would notice straight off in a crowd. He’s tidy, mild-mannered and he has a quiet voice, although somehow you do listen to him when he speaks. But he isn’t gloomy. Far from it. Though he seldom laughs his smile is often seen, and he is of an amazing and quite odd intelligence – thus he often teaches the weyrlings. He never forgets anything, and he never really forgives anything either. You sometimes have the sense that he is trembling on the edge between madness and sanity, and that just a slight push will send him either way.

History: When he was fifteen, Martan became M’tan, rider of brown Solarith. He was a happy, chirpy Weyr-bred boy, who was, if a little serious, generally cheerful. But fifteen years later, when he was thirty, Solarith betweened after an awful accident, and M’tan once again became Martan. He spent his days wandering around the Weyr, looking for his dragon, becoming dangerously thin and rapidly loosing what little sanity he had left. The other folk knew that it was futile to place him on the Sands again, but they did give him a fire-lizard egg, hoping that it could do for him what a lizard once did for Brekke.
He regained his sanity, but he was never the same, as is to be expected.

Occupation: Just a Weyrperson – he teaches weyrlings the basics and dangers of some duties.

Impress: Dragon Brown Solarith (Deceased) and fire-lizard female (gold) Sarri

OK, Sarri needs to be fifteen years old, and also a rather big and intelligent flit, and since tge greens are described in one of the books as "barely good for anything", I'd like her to be gold. I PROMISE I wouldn't have her fly at all, so it wouldn't make a difference to the flit population.

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