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Date Posted: 18:33:55 08/21/06 Mon
Author: LG
Subject: Giving him up early, sort of....

L'andro & brown Sanoth. They're weyrlings "now"; I don't know what size time-jump Kitty will make, so they might not be by the time she gets that done.

Posting here since I'm essentially going to drop him in the Activity Check I think Kitty plans to do, but I want to make sure his stats are linked somewhere that they can be seen. He's sort of an obligation character (the full story's in his joining post), and so I'd like whoever picks him up to try and play him with the personality as I joined him with in mind - not expecting a lot, but "quiet, polite, and awkward around women" shouldn't be impossible. =^^;;=

His joining post is here:

Dragon information (from my character sheets):
DRAGON: Sanoth - brown. Compact and efficiently built, mud-brown undertones overlaid with ripples of lighter brown and dark mohogany, with a subtle glow. Smooth tenor "voice", fairly unobtrusive and "quiet". Extremely fastidious, tends to be easy-going but fusses about how L'andro cares for himself... probably will turn out pretty lazy.
His personality is probably flexible, though, as he might change a bit as he ages. Do what you like! ^_^

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