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Date Posted: 21:22:38 09/15/01 Sat
Author: Brandon Johnson
Subject: Saturday Xtreme, September 8, 2001


(C) = Champion


CEO'S Major Announcement

Xtreme Rules Match

Brandon Johnson


The Creeper


Woman's Table Championship

Brandi Johnson (C)

Ms. Kitten


TLC Lightweight Championship

Destruction (C)



Main Event:

Stables Championship Match


Canadian Infantry

The Darkness (C)

Card Subject To Change





Key: Talking (Bolded = Catch Phrase)



Crowd Responses


Giant Tron (Italics= Talking, Bold= Fighting, Underlined = Catchphrase)

The Ref and the Count


Phone (Bolded = Catchphrase)

< 2/3 of a triangle around things = sounds> (No matter what color (Except Purple)

Messages From The Writer


Read Massacre First


<Show Start>

Brandon and Brent are in the ring with a mics

Brandon: today I have a major announcement involving me
and my Brother Brent. We will be Joint CEO's of the company. Yes that's right we
will share equal powers as CEO. The only catch is I own part of HKS so I have
the power to over rule him

Brent: My first Act as CO/ CEO is that In the stables
title match if one man beats three men from the other team the match will be
declared over.

Brandon: Also As For T and N I'll address that next

They drop there mics and walk to the back

Dan: Hello this is Dan Barns and I am here in beautiful
San Juan, New Mexico sitting along side Carey Rose and Joe Doung.

Carey: Hey Dan did you get that interview with Stinger

Dan: Yes, but it isn't until this week.

Joe: I see. Well it is time for our first match up

Greg: The next match is scheduled for one fall anywhere
in the building. Also Xtreme Rules Apply.

(The Johnsons' Music Hits)
(crowd Explodes)

Greg: Now coming to the ring Brandon Johnson

Brandon Johnson walks out followed by Shawna Sly who is
Carrying the ACW Woman's Title Belt.

(Silence) (Crowd Boos)

Greg: Now Coming to the ring the creeper

The Creeper Walks out and gets in the ring, by this
time Brandon has multiple Tables, Ladders, and chairs set up. Brandon Johnson
grabs the Creeper and puts himr on a table, climbs the ropes and elbow drops The
Creeper through the table! Brandon Johnson climbs to the top of the ladder and
pulls off a huge leg drop onto The Creeper!  Brandon Johnson goes out of
the ring and fetches another chair They both climb a ladder but The Creeper
punches Brandon Johnson off the top and to the mat! The Creeper elbow drops
Brandon Johnson! The Creeper stands on the chair and elbow drops Brandon
Johnson! The Creeper climbs the whole ladder and does a huge dropkick on to
Brandon Johnson! The Creeper climbs to the 4th rung of a ladder and dropkicks
Brandon Johnson from  high above! The Creeper leg drops Brandon Johnson off
the ropes! The Creeper stands on a chair and leg drops Brandon Johnson! but
Brandon Johnson pulls himself up and the creeper misses Brandon Johnson kicks
The Creeper in the gut! Brandon Johnson ax kicks The Creeper.  Brandon
Johnson climbs the whole ladder and does a huge dropkick on to The Creeper!
Brandon Johnson sets up another table The Creeper tackles Brandon Johnson and
goes outside to fetch a chair The Creeper stands on the chair and tackle Brandon
Johnson! The Creeper stands on a chair and elbow drops Brandon Johnson! The
Creeper climbs the whole ladder and does a huge splash on to Brandon Johnson!
The Creeper climbs to the 4th rung of a ladder and Brandon Johnson kicks the
ladder out from under him, picks him up and hits the
street cutter
and covers 1,2,3.

Greg: And your winner Brandon Johnson

Joe: Wow! that was a great match.

Dan: Yes it was and it's time for another.

Greg: The next match is for the Woman's Table

(Brandi Johnson's Music hits)
(Crowd Explodes)

Greg: Now coming to the ring Brandi Johnson

Brandi walks out followed by Brent in a Referee's

Carey: Looks like Brent is refing

Joe: Looks that way.

(Kitty Love's Music hits) (Crowd

Greg: Now coming to the ring the challenger Ms. Kitten. 

Ms. Kitten walks out and Brent has already set up a table. Brent Calls for the bell. He starts to count
kitten out.
enters the ring and is met by Boots from Brent. Brent Kicks her in the gut and
hits the
Jackknife powerbomb.
He picks her up and Brandi Hits the
Brandi Cutter.
Brent Climbs the Turnbuckle and hits her with a
Head butt
. Brent picks up Kitten and Brandi Hits
her with a
Brandi Bomb
through the table. Brent Calls for the Bell

Greg: Your winner and still champion Brandi Johnson

Carey: Were not trying to rush the show but YGC 
is so here we go with the next match already

Greg: The next match is For the TLC Lightweight

(Giant Tron Shows Psychedelic Laid out in the Back)

Greg: I just received word that were going straight to
the Main Event because Psycho is laid out in the back.

Joe: Time Flies when your having fun

(CI's Music hits) (Crowd

Greg: Now coming to the ring Gen. Hook.

Gen. Hook walks out

The Lights Flicker

(The Darkness's Music hits) (Crowd

Greg: Now coming to the ring Knight Fall

Knight Fall runs out and Hits Hook hard
with a right. Hook Goes down. Knight climbs the turnbuckle and hits Hook with a
Big Splash and covers

Dan: Wow! I cant believe that Tony Beat a
veteran like Gen. Hook

Joe: It is hard to Believe.

(CI's Music Hits)
(Crowd Boos)

Greg: Now coming to the ring Maj. Pipes
and Lt. Mines

Carey: Two at once

Pipes and Mines run out and get in the
ring but they are met by a double clothesline from Knight Fall. Knight covers
1-2-3. Knight
grabs Mines and locks on the
knight special
Mines Taps

Greg: And your winner and still Stables
champion The Darkness.

Joe: well that's all for this week


<Show End>


Xtreme Rules Match

Winner = Brandon Johnson

Loser = The Creeper

Woman's Table Title Match

Winner = Brandi Johnson

Loser = Ms. Kitten

TLC Lightweight Title Match

Winner = Destruction

Loser = Psychedelic <Psycho>

Stables Title Match

Winners = The Darkness

Losers = CI

Title Changes


Landmark Events

Brandon gives Brent Co/ CEOship with him


Matches 2, 3, & 4 written by Brandon

Matche 1  Written by Clown Works (www.clownworks.net)

All Matches Edited By Brandon Johnson


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