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Date Posted: 15:35:13 09/01/01 Sat
Author: Fairy, Star's Comet Twirl, Fantasy's Lucky Charm, Sunchaser
Subject: joining

Name: ~:~Moon Sparkle's Fairy Dust~:~
Nickname: Fairy
Gender: Mare
Breed: Unicorn
Color: Purple, Silver, and White
Markings: Crystal horn with a silver ring at the bottom of it. It is like a crown.
Side: Light
Personality: Shy, caring, bold at times, strong, powerful, fast, trustworthy
Characteristics: Her eyes and her movements tell everything about her personality.
If you look into her eyes, you can see the trustworthiness immidiately. She used to be a
princess, but ran away to be wild and free. Sometimes she still acts like a princess, but
it is a good thing.
Power: ~*~The Power of the Moon~*~
This power is symbolized by the ever-glowing of your hooves.
It is quite special, because you can control the shine of the moon and uses its psychic
powers to help other mythicals with problems. To protect yourself, you may call upon
this light and a shield will protect you from any harm or power, then direct that power
back to its possessor.

Name: ~Sunchaser~
Nickname: Chase
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Unicorn
Color: Bronze
Markings: Ivory horn with a ruby ring at the bottom
Side: Light
Personality: Strong, daring, bold
Characteristics: Likes outdoors, likes the sun, doesn't like the shade, always tries his
Power: ~The Power of Sun~
This power can only be used in the day-time.
It's symbol is a trail of light that seems to surround you,
wherever you go. You can use the sun's warm rays to do bascially everything,
and you can use it in battle as a lightning bolt full of solar rays - can burn.

Name: *Star's Comet Twirl*
Nickname: Comet
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Unicorn
Color: Black with a twist of green
Markings: Red horn with blue topaz ring at the bottom
Side: Dark
Personality: Adventurous, micheivious, troublesome
Characteristics: Him and his sister are bonded very closely
Power: *The Power of Stars*
This power is mostly used in the night-time, but works wonders during the day.
Stars seem to follow your every move, gleaming near your hooves
and horn, a symbol of this power. The night-time is the best time to use it-
the actual power has to do with some healing - when you have stars leave your mind
through your horn, these stars will heal minor ailments, and help solve problems.

Name: ~*~Fantasy's Lucky Charm~*~
Nickname: Lucky
Gender: Mare
Breed: Unicorn
Color: Silver
Markings: pink horn with opal ring at the bottom
Side: Neutral or Light
Personality: Shy, ladylike, tries to keep her brother out of trouble
Characteristics: Sometimes her brother brings out the best in her.
Power: -:-The Power of Luck-:-
This power has a lot to do with a fairy that follows you where ever you go.
This fairy helps everyone, and is very lucky. With this little
fairy at your side, you may use the real power is having this fairy
because it and you will know the power of ice, and you can use your power to send an
ice beam from your horn at an enemy; or you may use the ice as a protection even for
decoration. The fairy's name is Faori, she is pink and shy, and only likes Fantasy's
Lucky Charm.

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