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Date Posted: 10:08:32 08/23/01 Thu
Author: Spy in the Sky
Subject: Two ships land.

Data log from the main computer upon the Sentoral Ship the Delphi.

Log date 0.62409: Captian Syris Bantof of Gris,"As complied with I shall relate all that I can on this disterbing of inocence. I fear for my life, and know that I can tell no one, but I must alert someone of this crime before the young lady gets hurt. Or worse, I fear for her safty, and don't quite understand the undertaking of these fellows. But for the sake of many I shall tell all I know.

About two months ago I was informed that I would be the escort of one of the newer Senate memebers that would come to the planet. Her name is Sentor Flora Quill, from the Planet Stemner-1. A lush planet where the beings are formed completely from plants, they need no food, as the nutriance from the three suns, and rain forest like lands, allows for them to florish. As it was the young woman was to be taken to Cybertron as a guest of honor of sorts, and was to talk about the treatment that Plantformers(transformers that are plants) are reciving by other robots.

The day I received my duty as the convayor of this said cargo, I also recived a visitor at my home. The being gave no name but indicated that I should help them in kidnapping and replacing the Senator with one of their own chosen men. I at first rebuffed them saying that I would have no part in it. The being left, but gave me his card stating that I should meet him there if I was to ever change my mind. With in days of our first meeting, I went on a trip to a local gaming establishment, where in I lost a sum of credits that I could never replace. In despreation that my illigal activity's were not discovered by the United Fedation of Pilots, and as now I was strapped for Credits, I decided to meet with the fellow that had barged into my home.

The meeting was quick and to the point. The reason for them kidnapping the young Senator was never given to me. Nor did I ever see their faces, but I was given simple instuctions. I was to lead the young Sentator to the streets, and there a party would pick her up. When I returned to the ship I would be met by the look alike, and was told to not ask any questions as to the safty of the Sentor.

Within a week I met Sentator Quill, and found her to be an enchanting Speciman. She was tall, with red and green skin, whereing her hair (which happened to be willow branches) in braids with native flowers in it. She was well versed in both political and economical sciences, and she was quite recepive to myself and the crew.

"Ah, a Pleasent good afternoon to you Captian Bantof. I see you have everything that I require for this trip."

"Yes your grace. We layer the floor with the soil that you requested, and installed a artifical rain machince in your room. There is also a special sun lamp that we included."

To this she smiled happily and clapped her hands.
"Splendied. You sir happen to be one of the best Captians I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Though I haven't met very many, five to be presice counting your self as the fifth. But I have to say you are a very impressive bot sir, and have a very simmilar trait to my dear friend Botanica. You know it was her crew who first landed up on our planet? It's true. She and her men were one of the reason I got into politics. I so wanted to be like her, traveling in space and exploring the worlds. Though sadly as you can see, my kind doesn't travel very well.

It was then that she saw my ship and squelled, if you can believe a plant can squell, with utter joy. She looked happily on as I gave her a tour of the out side of the ship and discribbed all that was to be said of the Delphi. Just about everything amazed her and she went on and on about how she was so extreamely excited to be going into space, and how it would be a great victory for her to actually set foot off planet as her own type of plant life has to have a regual diet of nurishment, eles they will wither and die, taking her with them.

She was a very trusting soul, and I began to feel horrible about what I was doing. However their was no way to back out, with the sharks on my tail I had to go through with it in order to pay for the debts. We arrived on Cybertron days ago, and I was sent a message by the same being that had met with me before. I was to meet the replacement for the young Sentator.

The place for the meeting was set outside a docking bay, when I arrived I was quickly ushered in. The ship inside made me gasp, it was completely covered inside and out with differnt types of plant life. The owner was on the outside and gave me a slight knowing smile.

So What do you think, did I over do it or does it look as fine to you as it does to me?

I was stunned by this question, Fine, the thing looked like a flying Qintesson crossed with a Vok with no head. Was she mad? Though I never directly said this to her. The bot was a female, as far as I could tell, she was tall, taller then me even (and I stand 8 feet in my robot mode, 9 in grizzly bear form). She stood at least 12 feet tall, was a dark green color, with black thorns sticking out of her legs and arms. Her hair was made of poision oak, and she seemed to be developing a bark around her top. This plantformer called her self Thorn, and invited me into her ship.

The inside was dark and moody, with vines and other things I couldn't see on the walls, ceiling and floor. "Like walking though a living cave." I thought as we went further into the belly of this beast. At times I steped on some vines that shreiked, and she warned me to watch out for what she called "Trappers". When I inquired as to what these were she replied calmly.

Oh just plants that tend to eat living meals, and spit out their bones. I've grown use to them, infact Iggy there is my pet. Arn't you Iggy-wiggy.

She cuddled up to the biggest carniorus plant I have ever seen, and scrached under it's mouth. It purred like a lion, and laughed a bit. When she saw I was looking at her, she stopped stood upright and told me to follow her. I did so, happily leaving the giant Iggy behind. After what seemed like an eterity we entered into the main bridge of the ship. There was no windows, nore was there much light. Thorn baid me to take a seat, and she talked to me about nothing much, how I liked my job, did I have a family, the usual small chat most make when they are being introduced. However there was a noise in the room that seemed to constently be buzzing ever so softly, and over time it made me feel sleepy. I believe I did fall asleep, as I was jolted awake by the sudden feeling of intense pain in my right temple. I yelped and Thorn drew away from me.

"What was that for?" I asked, she replied that it was nothing much, a way for her to down load an image from my retial scans. In her hands was a gun the size of a small computer mouse. She flipped up the back of it, and pulled out a disk. Then went over to a RA, or Replica Apparatus, and sliped the disk into the disk slot. Then she went in, and I watched in amazement as the machine rumbled and scaned her over and over. The lights flickered on and off until finally everything went pitch Black. For a moment all was silent. And then the door slid open with aSWISH.

Well Captian, do I look like I'll pass the physical test? I know I'll have to work on the oral exam, but what do you say.

To my utter horror and astonishment Thorn steped out from the box as an exact replica of Senator Quill. From her perfect Willow branch braided hair, to the small bit of mildew, which she called a mole, on her neck, Thorn looked like her twin. The only diffence came from the voice. The image was supplied though my picture scan of the Sentator. Thorn seemed pleased by this, and told me that it was best to get the real Quill out to the Streets, and to loose her in the crowd.

As I left the ship I was still reeling in shock. Was I really going to go through with this, and did I have a choice? No, It was going to have to happen. And I hated it.

That afternoon I decided to take Sentator Quill on a tour of the streets of Cybertron. Knowing full well, that when I returned I would come back with out the real senator.

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