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Date Posted: 15:17:18 12/03/17 Sun
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Scientific information and smart products to get a successful sex life and oprimal health

Scientific information written by Knut Holt and presentation of smart products for physical wellbeing, successful sex and fun

Advices for men to bring a woman to orgasm, or for women to bring themselves or their lesbian lover to orgasm


Help against common health problems, including acne, rosacea, vitiligo, eczema, warts, edema, hemorrhoids, constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS, rostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and more



About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs



Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelings, virility and orgasms.


Fidget spinners and other fidget toy for fine prices



Advices and products that can help straighten out a twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.



Tools and toys for erotic massage and for sexual play, including all types of sexual role-play. Massage tools and toys to use in all sensual body parts of a man and a women.



Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself


Effective slimming advices: Learn all you need to avoid getting over-weight, to get rid of excessive weight and to remain slim - advices about diet and fat-consuming exercizes.



Affordable parts for your car or other vehicle. Styling equipment, performance upgrade, electrical parts, cabin parts, motor parts, stearing and transmision details, touring comodities



Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats. Also science kits, magic sets, elecetronic lab kits and much more



Airsoft pistols, rifles, machine guns, tanks, sniper guns for affordable prices:



Some scientific articles wiritten by Knut Holt


How to Prevent and Treat Blue Balls or Congested Prostate

By Knut Holt


By vascocongestion (blue balls) the testicles and the scrotum are typically swollen and tender. The prostate region can also be swollen, have cramps and be aching. The scrotum can also get a darker color. The symptoms usually go away by themselves after some time, typically after an hour, but it can persist or occur frequently.

The condition can occur in any age, but most often in boys during puberty and in young men, when the genital region is more active than in other ages. It is often seen in teenage boys that for some reason do not have the opportunity to get an orgasm and ejaculation in several days. Blue balls seems to be a frequent issue in some communities around the world or in certain ambients like boarding schools for boys, but in other communities it seems not to be any issue at all. In UK and North America the condition seems to be a frequent issue, but it is seldom heard of in for example Scandinavia.

The cause of the condition is often a prolonged sexual arousal with an engorged penis and perineal region without orgasm and ejaculation. During sexual arousal veins leading blood from the genital and perineal area constrict, so that blood and lymph accumulates. By this condition the constriction of the veins does not go back but develop into prolonged cramps. Then excessive amount of blood and lymph will accumulate and stay. The blood will also loose oxygen so that it gets a bluish color.

The accumulation of lymph and blood then squeezes the tube that leads from each testicle, through the prostate and into the urethra, the Vas deferens, and clogs it. Then secretions made by the testicles and the prostate will also accumulate and increase the pressure even more. At some points the condition leads to accute symptoms. After some time the cramps and symptoms will usually cease. Clogged vas deference or prostate can be prevented by having regular orgasms, either by sex or regular masturbation. One can also prevent blue balls by massage of the region between the legs, the testicles and the penis. This can be done by hands or by using a vibrator. Masturbation or massage of this region is also a good cure for the condition in its acute stage.

Ordinarily blue balls or related conditions are not dangerous. Sometimes it is however impossible to get an erect penis go down again even after several hours. By this condition, called priapism, where the blood vessels in the penis are clogged by permanent cramps or other causes, the inner tissue of the penis can be destroyed if it is not treated emergently. By the treatment one usually empties the stuffed blood from the penis by a small cut.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.


Free to copy with the author's name and link

Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4656/how-to-prevent-and-treat-blue-balls-or-congested-prostate


Possible Advanced Life on Earth One Billion Years Ago

by Knut Holt


Life Before Ice Ball Earth and a long time before the cambriazl period might have been Advanced, in spite of what is commonly thought.

The life began on earh ca 3.5 billion years ago. The common thought is that nothing but primitive organisms existed before 800 million years ago, where a rapid evolution began.

Just before that precambrial evolutionary explotion, Earth had gone through a catastrophic period of freeze, where the whole globe was covered by an ice sheet, and where only primitive organisms could have survived.

It is also commonly thought that nothing other life than primitive microorganisms existed before the ice ball period of earth, and that higher orrganisms began to develop firstly by the Ediacaran period after the ice had melted.

That asumption might be wrong. Possibly a full evolution resulting in a biosphere with advanced creatures occured durimg the first 3 billion years of the history of Earth, but then creatures very different from those existing later.

But the impact from the ice killed most of it, except for microorganisms, and also fosils of higher organisms was probably destroyed. And much of that not destroyed by the ice, was destroyed by common chemical and physical corrotion happening all the time since then, simply because the time span was so large that these simple processes got enough time to do their wiork.

Still some fosils of advanced organisms from that early period might exist, but because the creatures were so different and the fossils might be highly deformed, they are possibly not understood as such. And if some scientists have found such fosils and interpreted them, his findings might mot have gotten publicity because they contradict common thought about the evolution too much.

The reason I think this way, is simply because it sounds improbable that the evolution nearly stood still in 3 billion years and then suddenly took an immense speed, as we are told.

Scientists try to explain the slow evolutionaty path by an assumption that an etmosphere rich of oxygen was necessary for the development of complex organisms. This is only an assumpton with no proof. Also there were photosytetisizing organisms from an early time, so there was probably enough oxygen in the atmosohere from early on too.

At these link you may find more information about science, health, fitnes and sexuality, and presentation of many smart products for hobby, work, daily life and sex.





Anal and Rectal Masturbation - Learn All the Tricks

By Knut Holt



The inner sides of your buttocks, the the even deeper cleft around your anus, your anal opening and the inside of your rectum are very sensitive areas with a high potensy for pleasure and even for special orgasmic reactions.

By caressing and playing with these body areas in special way you get a lot of good feelings that spread inside of your whole pelvic region, up inside you and down inside your thighs. Learn all the trics here.

The anal area can be masturbated, either alone or combined with penis or cunt masturbation. In this area even very gentle caresses with your fingers can give intense feelings. Relaxing the rest of your body while doing this intensify the feelings.

A simple action like flexing your legs up and spreading them so that the area around your anus get stretched, constitute a kind of anal masurbation that provides a lot of pleasure, so also cudling down while spreading your knees somewhat. Laying with one leg stretche while flexing up the other also pulls at the anal area creating a lot of feelings.

Try first very gently to split your buttock cleft open by using your fingers near your anus. By taking hold more or less in the front or back, you get a variety of stimulating effects. Even this simple action can give intense feelings. Then caress the inside of your buttocks and then your anus with finger movements back and forth or with circulating movements.

Just in front of your anus, you have a little grove. Especially boys and men tend to have a deep grove here. Put a finger inside this grove at fuch inside it with the finger. Also the tip of a small dildo is fine to use in this little pucket.

You can also masturbate this area by using the spincter muscles around your anus and the muscles in as wider zone around your anus. Tense your spincter muscles and relax them again very gently many times, then tense the spicter and the muscles around more intensely, so that your anus get lifted up inside you. Hold it a moment, and then relax again.

You can insert a lubricated finger or a dildo through your rectal opening. Then push and pull it gently a little in and out some times so that the skin in your anus get stretched somewhat in and out, Then move it in and out somewhat longer so that the the object you use slides against the skin. You will get intense feeings in your anus and these feelings can further create an ecstacy that takes all of your body and mind.

By gently insering the dildo to the deepest area of your anus, and then moving it gently a little in and out so that the tip of the dildo caresses the inner walls of the deep anal areas, you create a mix of feelings of a very special kind, including a deep physical and mental ecstacy that touches your body and mind in the most intimate ways possible.

It is also possible to use certain kind of enema equipment for stimulation of this deep part of the rectum. A long syringe with a rounded widened end is very fine for this kind of stimulation. Such a syringe can be used this way solely for this stimulation or to stimulate this area while also giving an enema.

By Knut Holt

Even more about rectal masturbation here:


A lot of good information about natural cures for common diseases, disease prevention, fitness building and sexual techniques:


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