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Subject: Re: Tram TR50 vs. Sony ECM-44B

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Date Posted: 21:33:51 10/19/04 Tue
In reply to: Beverly 's message, "Re: Tram TR50 vs. Sony ECM-44B" on 19:29:10 08/30/03 Sat

>The ECM-44 is a good, basic lav which will take a fair
amount of abuse while giving you a good quality sound.
It's got a long cable, runs on a "double A" battery which
is cheap and easy to find. The Tram has a short cable,
runs on a photo-type battery (which are a little more
expensive) and is more delicate. As for performance, the
ECM 44 has a good, fairly deep sound which will match
shotguns used on booms, has pretty good off-axis rejection
for an omni, and decent wind rejection especially when
used with a wind-screen. You can hide it and still run the
cable down a skirt or pants leg. My personal experience
with the Tram is not as positive. The Tram is a very hot
mic..in that it will pick up A LOT of sound..as in background. If you're using it in an office, you are likely
to hear the conversation going on three desks away. On
the other hand, when shooting someone interacting..such as
a political candidate..one Tram is more than enuf for both
sides of the conversation. It is much more wind sensitive,
too. And it's almost twice as expensive as the ECM-44. On a
limited budget, I'd go w/ the Sony.
>>>Hi there,
>>>I am a film student, and in the process of beginning
>>>documentary. I need to get a good lavalier
>>>for interviews. My choices are a Sony ECM-44B, or a
>>>Tram TR50.
>>>Anyone got any experience with either, or any ideas
>>>for which way I should go?
>>I've used lavs from Sony, Shure, Sennheiser, and
>>others and the Tram beats them all hands down. I used
>>the Tram for ENG in all types of conditions and it
>>never failed me. I know of a few Photographers that
>>thought it was to "delicate" but I took good care of
>>mine and it served me well. I am in a commercial
>>production situation now and have tried several more
>>expensive lavs but I'm looking to go back to the Tram.
>> I have not used the Sony ECM 44-B so I cannot
>>compare it directly. I only know I liked the Tram. I
>>hope this helps in your decision.

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