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Subject: Re: FCP for News Editing

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Date Posted: 11:55:34 05/12/09 Tue
In reply to: Dixon 's message, "FCP for News Editing" on 10:56:41 02/21/04 Sat

Definitely go with a batch capture and capture the B-Roll into its own bin and interviews into another. That way you can leave both bins open side by side. Once you've logged your clips and the batch capture options window opens you can select the option for FCP to add Handles for you and you can also determine how long you want them to be. 5 sec. is usually enough. Also don't forget to prep your tape when shooting by recording bars and at least 7sec. (5 should be eonugh but I don't like taking chances) of preroll before each shot if your using time of day.

>Im a news Photog. I know FCP pretty well from
>applications outside of news(commercials and
>industrials). We've managed to talk our Station into
>getting us an FCP system. Now...Im wondering what the
>most efficient way to log and capture for News
>packages would be. Obviously time is of essence in
>News, and capturing/digitizing an entire 30 min field
>tape may not be efficient for time or storage,
>especially if we go 10 bit uncompressed. Im wondering
>what some of you News editors do for FCP. Our tape
>format is Beta SX. Sound bites should be easy...I
>figure when a reporter logs timecode...I can run
>through and add 10 sec to front and back of the clips
>(to be safe) and do a batch capture. How do you handle
>b-roll clips?

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