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Subject: -the visitor-

Playing In Traffik
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Date Posted: 10:21:49 06/13/02 Thu
In reply to: |-Rogue-| 's message, "..The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.." on 01:48:22 06/13/02 Thu

)(hold me tight in love's sweet embrace, my heart longs for thee. such a steed to my heart's content, joy singing through my blue blooded veins)(

-from the depths of shadow emerges a vixen of dappled bay hues, crystaline drops of morning dew clung to glimmering hide. each hair had it's place, and there it layed. mahogany oculars focus upon the brute anew, sparking in mischievious ways. one slender foreleg is extended, the vixen lowers tapering dial close to terra in a formal bow-
((join me in Bliss Of Water, m'lord. if it pleases you.))
-the vixen's quiet, alto voice barely audible even in the morn silence-

(blergh. that was awful, and short.)

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..Forsaken dream..|-Rogue-|19:50:06 06/13/02 Thu

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