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Date Posted: 11:21:03 01/13/02 Sun
Author: Senator Schism
Subject: The Aerodrone Senator flashed his grinning grill at Hegemon and Betacron.
In reply to: Senator Hegemon 's message, ""Thick skulls?!? "" on 09:26:48 01/02/02 Wed

Moloch remained silent as the Vehicon addressed the other Predacon senators. Of those assembled. the serpent alone perhaps understood the gravity of the situation which had left the oversized Betacron so unhinged. Once, the threat of an old military outpost in the wrong hands, or the plight of Cybertron's poor would have been valid and serious subjects of debate at such a gathering. Schism of course had his own agenda, concealed behind his buffoon facade, and noted with inward concern the conspicuous absence of Eulogy. He wondered too about the explosion outside his own window which had delayed the current meeting, and if his fellow senator might not be looking into it? Whatever connection there was, if any, between the recent array of events, it wouldn't still Schism's vocals. Where he was concerned, few things could...

"Hey...tension! Makes for a fiesty meeting, doesn't it? Tension is important....why it's how I know there's something on my fishing line, it is! I remember once on Quintessa...whoa, wait, is it okay if we chat? Big Blowfish said not to, but it hasn't stopped Lord Catfish and Lady Bonfire, and I'm not the sit still and keep quiet type! Never was, never will be! Wouldn't have been elected to office if I was!"

"don't know...how you got elected...in the first place" came a small voice from beneath the floor, unnoticed or ignored by the others.

"I'll say one thing for you Preds, you're a fiesty lot you are! I bet you two could give a Sharkticon agita! If nothing else, that sword stroke of Blowfish's cut out that infernal alarm that Renamon set off all over again...no manners on some assistants, but hey, if I ever go harpooning, I think I know the Senator to be my new fishing buddy!"

Schism transformed his feet to hovermode, and floated over between Hegemon and Betacron, resting an arm on the back of each seat.

"So seems to me the sooner we figure out the assassination attempt, decide on a military course of action at that Starbase, solve the plight of the poor, and talk about Blowfish's astronomy concerns, the sooner the three of us can go on a fishing trip!"

Maritime sighed, but amid the din of debating Senators, it was little more than background noise...

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