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Date Posted: 09:28:30 01/17/02 Thu
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: Quietly he shut off the data-feed...
In reply to: Lord Moloch 's message, "Silence draped itself around Moloch..." on 16:21:45 01/16/02 Wed

...and slowly took his seat. The screens around the meeting hall went dim, a faint hue of energy fading in each of their now darkened monitors. The lights above the screens came on and the meeting hall was no longer plunged in the blackness of outerspace and a scene of bloody violence light years away. This was Cybertron and Cybertron had to protect himself.

He furrowed his brows and steepled his hands before him knowing full and well that he was mocking Decius who should have offered some input on the matter but instead remained aloof and mysterious...good ploy at that. That's a matter for another day...

Think Lord Lye-Onitron, Think. Embyr offered little or no military advice. She speaks of the cause and the people when her bigotry is obvious when she looks at any fleshling with near disdain. That same dead, stealy glare attributed to Megatron in his vehiconian days. What did she mean by the five? What in Cybertron's good name was that?

And what of this 'danger to Cybertron' that Betacron speaks of. The senators embrace this unseen menace with almost exhuberance...running from the seen fear to the unseen. They all know that Cybertron can't fall. Cybertron has always stood. Be it during the Great Wars or the Rise of the Meglomaniac, Cybertron always stood strong. There's is not much that can change that. But...a direct threat to Cybertronian interests...the danger in that is supreme. To think that the British Empire of Earth, with such a pompous slogan as "the Sun never sets on the British Emprie" would not crumble due to invasion or destruction, but would become weak via a falling away or recapturing of their interests. They never learned the lessons of the Romans that an expanded empire would fall apart not only from the heart, but from the very edges. True, the British, as part of the United Nations of Europe, in turn took over most space exploration ventures over the next milinia after the collapse of the United States...but even that empire crumbled due to it's faraway interests being taken away slowly over a period of time. In the end, that was how the Asianic Empire came to rise with its strong oil reserves throughout the world...the OPEC holding that small blue marble in space captive by it's very lifeblood....

And they worry about ...what did one of them say...a hive? We can defend our planet very nicely, the dead moon of Unicron's head that orbits our home attests to that. Attack Cybertron, suffer it's consequences that memorium says. But after we have defended our planet, we will turn and see that all we have been left with is this planet and all else is but ashes...

But I am not a fool. What is an interest if you are dead? Cybertron may be occupied be it by Quintessa or Primus reincarnated, but either way is no good if I find my spark being reformated. I'll hear out this Betacron but I'll make myself and Kit (of course) privy to the data-feed coming from Bastion.

Think, what are you missing Lord Lye-Onitron....

...Lux waits for me to give him my sources as if I would open to him. As bad as Hegemon but without the psychotic tantrum rages which makes him marginally appealing. If he wants access to my sources he should do it the old-fashioned way of employing connivery or some sort of extortion instead of this honest, in-your-face approach which goes against every bit of my political fiber...

Forgive me, my esteemed Lord Betacron and fellow senators. Such is the nature of things, sometimes. The events that are transpiring several light years away can not overshadow the events that are occuring on our own soil. I forgot myself and the priority order of our meetings. Betacron you have the floor.

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