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Date Posted: 16:28:05 12/09/01 Sun
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: He strode into the meeting chamber as if he were the sole ruler of the hall...
In reply to: Lord Schism 's message, ""Hola Mackeral, Blowfish...."" on 20:30:54 11/02/01 Fri

...on his right arm the ever-stunning Kit added to the glory personified in this majestic Senator. Some may have looked up at him, others may have ignored his appearance completely...it didn't matter.

He was, after all, Lord Lye-Onitron, keeper of the 4th Seat, Kappa Room, of the Cybertronian Senate.

He took his place, making sure that Kit sat on his right first. Her eyes lazily panned the room with that air that she was also above the other senators. Lye-Onitron knew that she was scanning the room for any potential danger and her "lazy" gaze was equal to that of a thousand hawks.

He took his seat and pushed to the side any thoughts he had of the AOD or of the Cybertronian Navy or failed assasination attempts or distant star bases. He wondered if Betacron would fill any holes in his knowledge (and silently feared that he would).

Why was Betacron's life threatened? What is the danger that he keeps speaking of? How clear and present is it? Will the senate have to evacuate or go into hiding (for the preservation of Cybertronian Government of course)? And what in flaming slag was the Council up to?

Questions, questions and more questions.

Sometimes it seemed that when one peels away the layers of questions to reveal the answer there is only more questions.

Well, Betacron will have his say and then (Lye hoped) he could eventually have a word with the Council. Alex would be perfect to converse with, but he will bide his time.

He is Lye-Onitron, and patience has brought him thus far, patience will bring him even further...

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