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Date Posted: 06:02:57 11/13/12 Tue

Bass Enterprises Productions LLC is teaming up with The Original GourmetŪ Lollipop Company and they are looking for a woman who defines beauty and charisma...and it could be YOU!

Now casting for Miss Original Gourmet Lollipop
One gorgeous women will be chosen to represent the company

Plus more exciting opportunities...from the applicants we receive, we will be selecting ladies from 17 major markets to work Part-time assignments as brand ambassadors earning $20 an hour!

The winner will receive prizes, including the opportunity to work as a brand ambassador for The Original GourmetŪ Lollipop Company plus many more exciting prizes.
Do you light up a room? Are people constantly telling you how beautiful you are?
Think you have what it takes? Then take the next step and apply.
Applicants must meet these requirements:
Female ages 18 to 30 years old
Ability to travel on a moment's notice
Conduct and attitude must exemplify that of an extraordinary branding ambassador of the Original GourmetŪ Lollipop Company
Great physical shape
*A resume and current picture will expedite the interviewing process. Submit resume and photo to NHCROWN@aol.com

Please type: Miss Original Gourmet Lollipop in the subject line

If selected as Miss Original Gourmet Lollipop you may be flown to work as a brand ambassador at the Candy tradeshow taking place in Chicago in May of 2013

Applicants that are shortlisted may be asked to submit a video

More exciting opportunities...from the applicants we receive, we will be selecting ladies from 17 major markets nationwide...including Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Boston and Las Vegas to work Part-time assignments as brand ambassadors earning $20 an hour!

Casting is on-going and anticipated to continue through March 1, 2013

Click On Banner For More Information

Or Apply at: Statemodels.com


Bass Enterprises has teamed up with the Original GourmetŪ Lollipop Company to offer Pageant Directors FREE lollipops with a tiara tag attached on each pop. These are perfect for pageant welcome bags. You only pay for shipping & handling. We only have a limited supply, so order now!
To order e-mail: NHCROWN@aol.com When ordering give FREE code: PA
Just think how excited your Contestants will be when you add them to your goodie bags.

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