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Subject: *|Wanders in|*

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Date Posted: 18:52:39 07/03/02 Wed
In reply to: Fallen Embers 's message, "~*Enters*~" on 12:37:37 07/02/02 Tue

The fully grown emerald green lands beside his younger sister and gently shoves her over to make room for his body. He pushes past her without a sound, red ooids glaring over the seemingly empty cave. He turns around and grins playfully at his sister.

Your back to I see? Well, thats good. Now at least we know our family consists of two solid members. Have you seen Bronze or Mom any where?

Eyes darken after mentioning his mother and he closes his eyes. So much had changed since he was young. People, places, they had all changed in ways he had never imagined. He sighs and opens his eyes once more. That was the past. This was the the present. Never live in the past. Again he grins, this time somewhat forced.

And where has my little sister been?

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[> Subject: |~*~|Lamentation|~*~|

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Date Posted: 19:40:41 07/03/02 Wed


Ah, she o' most brilliant emerald hide sits in much silence whilest lamenting o'er all that has become.
Shrouded by the ebon darkness as excess moisture enters a single ruby gem o' eternal glow. Body cringes as ears recognize the happy voice o' her lov'ly daughter, highly contrasting with the painstaken one o' her son whom resembled her in many, many ways.

~*~I am here, Embers.~*~

T'was all she could mutter, it t'wasn't that she was not delighted to see her daughter. No. She simply hadn't a clue as to how she would explain herself and the fact that her Mate, their Father, had betrayed them all and became a Light. She wondered if it was actually her own fault for not loving him enough. Yes. It must be so...


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[> [> Subject: ~*Grins*~

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Date Posted: 21:19:28 07/03/02 Wed

She grins at her mom.

Mom! How have you been?

She rushes over and hugs her. The turns to Bairavee.

Moms right here and Bronze is waiting to be trained in the ordeal.

She answers his first question happily and grins at him. She cockes her head as his eyes darken as he speaks but then when they lighten up again she grins again.

Nothin much. You?

She gives her brother a hug to and then turns her gaze to her mother.

Mom I've missed you lots and lots!!!!!

She then hugs Ezzy again and then Bairavve. She then stands there with a smile 'pon her face.

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[> [> Subject: *|Nod|*

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Date Posted: 21:50:07 07/03/02 Wed

The emerald returns his sisters happy grin and then turns his gaze to his mother. Red ooids flicker with a bright light and he smiles at her. The large male walks forward with a grace he could have gotten only from his mother, but talons leave heavy footprints in the earth. Emerald wings spread and he wraps them gently around his mother, momentarily encasing the two in a leathery dome. His voice flows gently from his mouth, each word rolling off his tongue.

Don't dwell in the past, Mom. Live in the present. You still have a life ahead of you, as do we.

When he pulls his great wings pback to his sides, his eyes shine with a forgiving light and smiles. Then he turns to his sister and a devilish grin explodes onto his feature.

Oh, this and that. So Bronze is going for the Ordeal? Good luck to him then.

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[> [> [> Subject: ~*Grins*~

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Date Posted: 21:54:12 07/04/02 Thu

She grins totally confused.

Yeah. Good luck to him.

She cocks her head, wondering about what Bairavee first said...

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