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Subject: |~*~|Last Post|~*~|

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Date Posted: 22:14:29 07/30/02 Tue
In reply to: Spakinth 's message, "¤Shakes dial¤" on 02:30:11 07/30/02 Tue


Oh how she wished she could shead a single, solitary teat at this moment. A silent expression of her regret, and duty.
But she had no more to give, no more. She had cried a lifetime of tears in half the time. All of them spent, salting the forsaken terra.
Unable to control herself she falls forward into the bronze, body limp and shakey, head resting on his shoulder in comfort.

..*..Oh and a fool I am. How you are wrong, you say your children are ashamed of you when they can do nothing but think and long for you. You say I do not love you, and wish you dead, when I do not. I do love you Spakinth, do not disbelieve me, I beg you. I do, I love you.
Maybe we were ment to be, but my foolish mind and fickle heart were blinded by love untrue. I thought of Him my true love, when I know know if he were he'd love me...like you do.
I can't explain, something in me desires you back by my side. But reality, duty, and many many things say nevermore. You are dead to the Evils, only a ghost left to be annihilated. But not to me, keep that with you. Hope had a place in my heart, and maybe it'll be enough for all to be right once more....Now, please go..*..

Drawing for her love, her former Mate, she doesn't look at him. Her heart unable to bear his sight, for when she gazes at him it sighs. A painful, lamenting sigh of remorse and sorrow, hatred and hope. Vanishing into the depths of the cavern she leaves him. Yes, maybe one day she will be whole again.

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