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Subject: Oh-so very important!!

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Date Posted: 19:41:13 10/07/02 Mon

*sigh* It is my most sad and humble duty to inform you guys that I, Manda-panda, am going to quit Cascade Mountains.
I can no longer find the time and energy to keep up with everything and post all my characters. And, to be painfully honest, I kind of lost interest in the game. It became to repetitive and boring to me that I lost all enthusiasm of getting online and posting my much loved draggys.
Don't get me wrong, I love my chars with all my heart along with everyone I met on this game. We all became MB friends and you guys are what I'll miss most! I am grateful that I stumbled onto this RPG and met you guys, I also grew as a poet and writer (as much as I could, I'm terrible in English). Maybe someday fairly soon I'll find the time to re-join and re-introduce one of my past chars, whom I fear won't be my cherished Ezzybabe but most likely Gravity of Love.
I find this all for the best seeing as I cannot preform all that I promise everyone. I use to spend my nights on this RPG, and lately I now spend them happily drawing, I never knew how much I enjoyed it until now. And I'm getting pretty good (in my opinion) and I might have a online album sometime so you guys can see. I also am getting very active with my horses, and as soon as I find a good Dressage trainer that'll happily take up a lot of my time (seeing as Dressage is very difficult and diciplined).
I will really miss you guys, and I'd deeply enjoy an e-mail or IM from you! Everyone who is/is suppose to play a Gaia, e-mail me (or IM) and I'll brief you on the changes. You can still play them as Gaians with all the powers, but with some limitations since I'm going to be gone.

Chris, I will still play all the chars in your upcoming RPG and help out, I just can't do two games at once.
This isn't my last post, I'll be back to say my goodbyes, and I may visit occasionally! Here's the list of chars that will be going with me (and don't worry, I won't kill them off, and they are all dragons)

Ezmerelda (my baby!)
Gravity of Love(ma other babe!)
Redemption (my 'ittle boy!)
Ethra'Kaal (shadow)
Santorini(my dragonic self, shadowess)
Beryl(Gaian Winglie)

I think that's all of them, since I killed Jazzlynn off *tear*

Until I return! Wuv and huggles!

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[> Subject: *waves sadly*

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Date Posted: 16:35:35 10/08/02 Tue

*she shoves Famina towards Kaal* Say good-bye to your step-son Fammy! *Famina growls and waves,then leaves*

*frowns* Don't mind her,Mandy,she can be a little bitch sometimes.Bye bye.We will miss you.

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