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Subject: ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~

Demon's Light
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Date Posted: 15:50:08 10/12/02 Sat
In reply to: Fate's Flaming Future 's message, ")^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^(" on 15:43:05 10/12/02 Sat

She smiles and nods, yellow orbs glittering with a demonic light. It would be my pleasure, my Queen. I will lead them well, but I think it best that you don't come with us this time. It is unknown territory and few will be there to protect you. She states this calmly, knowing that her Queen would not like the idea of staying behind in a battle. That was not the way of the Flaris, their leaders' fought bside them.

She turns to DT, hoping that if she gets DT on her side that the Queen will relent. She has no one to take over the throne if she were to perish during this battle. She has no children yet, nor siblings. And no mate either. If our Queen comes, her death would crumble the Flairs. Is it imperitive that she be there, or can you do without her in this battle? She will not be there in body, but she can be there in mind. She waits to see what both femme's answers will be, knowing that she had come close to crossing the line but it wouldn't be the first time....

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Date Posted: 17:13:22 10/12/02 Sat

Angered hiss sounds and emerald body approaches.
Moemntairly, he could be mistaken for his mother.
Regal posture, demonic maybe insane light flood from his eyes.
Snarl, unearthly threat rings out as he stands before the three ness's.
Speaks, cold and threatening.
They held no power over him.
He was of as regal blood as the queen.
And more powerful, once he mastered his skills.

What is the hell do you think you're doing?
Or I shall make you leave...

Blueish haze pours from his raised hands.
They could smell it.
Especially the flaris's.
Their greatest weakness.
And he controlled it.
Hisses menacingly.


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