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Subject: [+:...:+]

Fallen Embers
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Date Posted: 12:42:41 10/14/02 Mon
In reply to: DT 's message, "±.she dubbed traitor.±" on 10:05:49 10/14/02 Mon

Femme smiles slightly in reply to DT's words.
Silently watches her brother go.
She would ask him later.
Turns back to the femme then speaks.
You are welcome in our home so long as your ideas remain in the interest of all darks, whether they be the best or not...
Turns and exits, following in the dark exit of her brother, leaving the others to plot as they wished.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±turns±

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Date Posted: 13:34:22 10/14/02 Mon

DT turns towards the Flaris and Bronze Warrior. Giving the latter a smile she says to him.

You might join us if you wished of it..you and your siblings. I have sheer doubt the East imbesols already have light of our plan. I believe they would stopp low enough to spy.

eyes narrow and claws clench and unclench in anger.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Ack! *hits her Computer*

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Date Posted: 13:36:49 10/14/02 Mon

It's sposed to say:

....I have no doubt the East imbesols have light of our plan...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^( , ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~ , & :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Fate's Flaming Future , Demon's Light , & Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 23:06:48 10/14/02 Mon


Royal Queen of the Flaris places the clawed hand that the emerald had placed a kiss upon on the ground. He had startled her by his action. Most could not stand to touch a Flaris. Her gaze swivels to the golden dragon and she offers him as friendly a smile as her cold heart can muster. I thank you for your assistance just now, it may have saved my life. Your brother doesn't seem all too yielding.

She nods to Demon, watching the femme's shoulders sag in relief. She was a good guard and warrior; the best in fact. The Queen was glad to have one such as she by her side at this uncertain time. Orange optics focus on DT as she listens to her words and waits for the gold to respond....

Fate's Flaming Future


The orange and yellow flamed dragoness sighs in relief as the emerald Gaian leaves. She had been ready to take his head off if he hurt her Queen in any way, shape, or form. Though she probably wouldn't have been much help. No Flaris could stand any form of water. It would have meerly killed them both. She smiles at the golden male, the smile was one of thanks. His quick words may have been the only thing that had saved them both.....

Demon's Light


The male returns both the Queen and her guard's smile, his almost as cold as their's, but not because he didn't like them. It was meerly who he was. Opal gaze flickers to DT. I may help, I may not. It depends. I still haven't learned completely how to use my powers. I know that the Hellbender is strong in me, but there is a chance that I'm a Pure. I need to find out what I am before I commit myself to anything. He gives a bow to all three female's before turning to go. I bid you all good day and good luck.

Bronze Warrior


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±she dubbed Traitor±

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Date Posted: 10:03:12 10/19/02 Sat

DT nodded towardst Bronze Warrior then turned towardst the Flaris.

With the mind that the Light Ones might be onto our plan, I have already moved against it. This plan remains within my skull alone and will not be verbalized until an appropriate time.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: )^(Queen of the Raging Flame)^( & ~{The Light that Leads Evil}~

Fate's Flaming Future & Demon's Light
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Date Posted: 13:31:07 10/19/02 Sat


Flaris Queen nods her flaming skull to DT. Let me get my troops assembled. When I have completed that, I will tell you and we can make arrangements to attack. She gives another nod and motions for Demon to follow her out of the lair to ready their people....

Fate's Flaming Future


Other flaming femme nods to DT, and then bowes to her Queen. She quickly follows Fate's Flaming Future, mentally picking out dragon's to help.....

Demon's Light


OOC: Can I please have your e-mail address so that I can send you the stuff on the Flaris? Thank you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.She dubbed traitor.±

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Date Posted: 09:48:35 10/20/02 Sun

DT nodded her ebon dial and spread her wings. She had her own things to do to ready for this battle. She would return here soon, and hopefully the Flaris would know to come back here..the only safe haven.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

OOC: K..click on my name...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ±.She dubbed traitor.±

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Date Posted: 09:50:44 10/20/02 Sun

DT nodded her ebon dial and spread her wings. She had her own things to do to ready for this battle. She would return here soon, and hopefully the Flaris would know to come back here..the only safe haven.

Dark Tiger
-The Rebel-

OOC: K..click on my name...

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