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Date Posted: 21:47:35 11/10/02 Sun
Emerald and silven male smiles, one corner of thy mouth raised defiantly above the other into a delighted smirk. And this dark, loving mouth draws close once more, grazing her lips once more. One kiss 'tween two lips, emerald and ashen. The sweet embrace ends and he draws back, staring into her deep dark eyes.
You hold my heart, and you harbor my soul. Keep them well...
Draws her close, twisting emerald and silven neck once about her, so the two muzzles remain close. Dial rest gently upon her and a gentle simper, warm and strong, graces his mouth for the first time. The expression is so strange, one wishes for it never to surface again, but the emotion is so strong, it overwhelms the mind and soul.
((Yeah, I think he's either The Cruel or The Wicked, lol, but feel free to make one up :P))
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