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Date Posted: 17:22:10 12/03/02 Tue
>¤Enchanting blue enters, her dark, ebon optics still
>flickering with a lost sanity from her past¤Her form
>sung of her mother, mimicing every curve, crease and
>dip¤With a strange alertness, she spots the shadowlord
>and immediately knows his intention¤Holds in an
>angered smirk, for she had entered his lands to
>propose the very same thing, and had been met with the
>annoying mind of his son, however interesting Kaal
>was¤Dark simper greets the lord and crown dips in
>rspect to the male¤he was more powerful tan she and
>would be treate dwith such¤
>¤Out if the prying minds of many of the other dragons,
>her mind is free to wander, flashing hints at her true
>personality¤It too, stangely resembled Ezzy's¤
>¤With a smooth motion foreward with lengthy body she
>appraoched the Shadowlord¤Nods slightly towards the
>hellbender queen, almost thanking her for her loyalty
>to her eldest brother¤Then she speaks, and a soft
>nature is about her words while ruthless tone remains¤
>¤Raistlin...¤Tis a strange pleasure to greet you in
>my home, which seems to be all too familiar too
>¤Secretive simper flows forth, almost flirtatiously¤
>¤Is there anything I can help you with until my
>brother arrives?¤Which should be sortly...¤
>¤Respet weaved into her voice hides her own prideful
>tone¤And dissapointment¤She would have thought,
>atleast she who was so much like his past love would
>have been approached first¤
>¤And she was no less royal than Tear, is not
>more¤Pure, queen of all Ablyssal's and sister too the
>soveriegn she felt only slight anger t'wards him¤Oh
>well...¤If he would not concern himself with her lost
>mind, she would find ways to involve herself in
>his¤For, she knew and saw every quality her mother had
>loved in this dark lord¤And she too, adored them...¤
>¤The Cursed¤
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