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Subject: |:|:...:|:| ¤From Beneath¤ [ The Truth Shall Set you Free ]

Bairavee Astarte Enya
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Date Posted: 20:20:40 12/03/02 Tue
In reply to: Crystals Tear 's message, "-¤-" on 18:55:25 12/03/02 Tue

Good lord.
What a mess they had all become. The urge to step forth and put the poor excuse for a dragon was growing stronger, and yet he held back his emotions, kept them at bay.
Quickly, he addresses Tear mentally.
Brother and Sister? Would that be a strange arrangement.
Small hint of humor strikes in her mind as he attempts to loosen this tension between all.
And BT is no Gaia. Not even impure. You have no need for concern...
Next he looks to his brother. Too much they had incommon, and so it made them push each other apart, hating the same things in each other that they hated in themselves. Flicker of, forgiveness? flashes through is ooids. Nay, he simple dismisses it, not forgiving, or forgetting.
Then, attention return to the dark lord.
I'm afraid, m'lord, that this famine barely effects those of my race. So, that shall not be reason for an alliance if one forms. If anything, it shall be for self preservation.
He yawns, ignoring the obvious hatred from the vile male.
And, if this alliance shall be formed, there will be some issues on, living standard and conditions. Also, power. Now lord, if I was the same gender as my mother, we would indeed, lack this problem. I highly doubt two kings of different races would ever manage to rule efficiantly side by side.
The alliance, shall have terms. And I suggest you propose a few, as shall I and my people, seeing how minute our numbers are.
After the conditions of this agreement have been stated and agreed upon, and only then, will I agree.
He really wasn't in the mood to battle this out with the shadowlord, but he was here now and chances are this would be the only time all of them gathered together.
First of all, I would suggest that until my breeds numbers increase substancially, Shadows and Gaia live in the same territory. When numbers increase, Gaia's will gain a territory.
Secondly, tratiorism will not be tolerated. You go against my kind, or me and whatever pitiful excuse of an alliance we have will be severed(sp?)
Next, respect. Your kind will respect mine, and vice versa. Those of royalty to Gaia are royal to Shadow. Again, vice versa.
Mentally speaks to all those in the room, with the exception of the Shadowlord.
Do you have any suggestions, for I am in to mental shape to 'create' anymore standards...
Looks to Raistlin, and waits.


((Ahahah, sorry Dawn, that was very very baaaad....))

¤From Beneath¤
¤Almost mezmerised by the depth she finds in tehe strange eyes of teh shadows, she jerks to reality with the dark pictures in her brothers mind¤She forgave him, in some unknown form¤But like Bairavee, she would not and could nto forget¤
¤Listens to the rather primitive debates going on and she remains silent, her attention devoted mainly to the lord¤Waiting for him to speak, to respond¤Almost hoping, wishing he would...¤No¤Like Tear could not and would not show affection for her brother, she could not display the strange sensation within her¤Nor could she deny it¤
¤Strange expression sits of bluish features as she watches him and studies him¤Still Waiting¤

¤Fallen Embers¤
¤The Cursed, The Fallen¤

[ Final Entry ]
[ Golden hellbender enters, mind busy with her sisters thoughts ][ Mmmmmm... ][ She would have to explain the odd connection to her dark sister later ][ Enters, expecting only Tear, Bairavee and Astarte, but finds one more ][ The SHadowlord ][ Finding it was not her place to address him, she lowers golden dial and takes her place slightly behind Tear ][ Optics fly to her questioningly ]
[ Why is he here? ]
[ Silent question is only for her tutor and she wiats patiently for a responce ]

[ Enya ]
[ Forever Changed ]

((I seriously hate running out of time half way though a post then rushing through the rest :( ))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -¤-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 20:46:18 12/03/02 Tue


Her lips twist in a smirk.
Yes it would,i don't believe i have met BT
Ebony ooids flicker toward her student.
He thinks he can improve our race with his own...perhaps he is right our race is faultering and i always trusted Ezzy's ideas
She frowned,then a thought occured.
Fourth...if you choose not to join blood lines then you shall not be pushed into it
Crimson minx kept her ebony ooids on the shadow lord,her trust ran low when it came to him.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: ..::.+.::..

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Date Posted: 21:09:24 12/03/02 Tue

...Entrance of Shadows...
Slinking silently into the cavern, the male slips out of 2-D form next to his blood father, though catiously distanced. Smirks slightly. All this talk of alliances was folly. Did they actually think it would work?
The heir was bored. No one to annoy, his sister missing and nothing interesting in Everdark. What was he supposed to do?
So, he came here, following carefully his fathers own entrance. After all, this would convince him, eventually.
He hisses softly and shrilly, amusement clear.
Who would want to thin their blood with that of your kind's anyways?
I have a suggestion.
Territorial rules.
There should be someplaces restricted to Gaia's and likewise if you wish it, though I doubt you shall.
As for your ideas on power, sovereign Bairavee,

He mocked him. He mocked the son of his father's love and the ruler of another race. But did he care?
Hell No.
Realistically, shadows should have the majority of the power.
Two reasons.
One, we are the majority and two, its our land.

Wicked one falls silent and watches, watches all. Especially his father. He had never cared for hsi approval before, but now, with noone left and sister gone, his most cherished idea and presence gone, he was in a state of loss. Painful loss.

Devious One.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 22:09:17 12/03/02 Tue

Golden brute listens intentively to the others' present, though he says nothing. He was not the Soverign, so it was not his place to decide. He did believe that there was a possibility that an alliance with the Shadows could be benifical to the Gaian race. There were only, as they currently knew it, three Pure's, all of whom were royalty. Then there were two Impure's or Hybrid's. There had to be more Gaian's in the world and he may have found another. That was what he needed to speak with Tears about. If this little dracling was a hybrid, he was sure that it was another Hellbender.

He turned his attention from the Shadow Lord for the moment, really having no concern for him. His gaze settled on his sister and softened before it passed on to his brother. He gaze his brother a nod and silent mental message. I must speak with you about the Gaian's. The silver orbs finally settled on Tears and he offered her a tight smile. His mental voice reaches out to her's, not a long distance, but tiring after his long journey. Tears. I must speak with you. I believe that I have found you another pupil, but I want a say in its training. After this debate is over, I will show you the dracling to see what you think. He gave her a small nod and turned his attention back to the conversation at hand....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -¤-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 02:15:11 12/04/02 Wed


Another pupil...she was going to be busy was'nt she...Ebony ooids flickerd to the shadow.She had a very bad temper that right now was at boiling point.A blood curtling hiss excaped her lippen.Yet she spoke some what sweetly to the shadow.
"If you don't remove your @r$* from this cavern i will have to kick it"
She smiled,her blank orbs seem'd to show a little of the fire that was raging within.Temper,weakness or strength?


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