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Subject: ±.The Rebel.± (('dis 1))

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Date Posted: 13:24:30 12/07/02 Sat
In reply to: Raistlin 's message, "+ Evil One +" on 12:32:43 12/06/02 Fri

OOC: Just moving this message over 're...forgot it would post so far away from the others..)
Hyrid Shadowess could
contain herself no longer in Everdark, wanting
desperatly to know wat was going on. She appeared in
the shadows, keepig to her amber hued Shadowess form,
not bothering with any disguise.
She watched for a moment, her optics keeping to
Raistlin and Kaal, wondering if her presence would be
a burden to them. Well..they didn't say she couldn't
Anyway, she only wanted to see those Gaians she stil
considered her friends.
She came forward, vix'n coming to stand just b'hind
the great Shadowlord and his son Ethra'kaal whom the
Shadowess could not help but admire.
She said nothing, Takhisis gracing each dragon with a
single look, ready to leave if her lord should give
her the slighest demand to do so.
She had to come..she had been a friend of Ezzy's, and
she had said she would watch out for her
children. She looked at te treaty, saying nothing of
it. Her optics of scarlet stayed 'pon the treaty for
some time..

Dead. Alive, Traitor. Shadow.

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