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Subject: -silent disapproval-

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Date Posted: 20:24:24 12/07/02 Sat
In reply to: Takhisis (DT) 's message, "±.The Rebel.±" on 12:05:58 12/05/02 Thu


-watches from the shadows,eyes narrowed in pure hatred and fury.the ebon dragoness watches.she couldn't take this.her sister would die.her sister would hurt.her sister.......she glares angrily from the shadows,making no noise,not breathing even.onyx eyes watch,looking coldly at certain people,her curved form stays hidden in the shadows-


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[> [> [> [> Subject: |:|:...:|:|

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Date Posted: 22:15:04 12/07/02 Sat

Silven talon of the large male draws forth, then digs sharply into the tip of his right index finger. In a smooth fluid motion, he signs his name 'pon the treaty of the shadowlord and then steps back.
Nods ot his words.
We shall arrive soon, maybe too soon for your liking.
Glances at the twin of Raistlin with a slight interest and nods to her, grinning slightly. Mental optics soon stop his beloved and he beckons her to him.
Come Terror, there is no need to fear those whom we shall soon be residing with....
Indeed to worn and tired to deal with much more of this, he turn, readying himself to leave.
The treaty is now in effect Raistlin. Be prepared for us to arrive all to soon. Be sure to warn your people. Until then lord, fare thee well.
Severing all mental links with that of his kinsmen, he smooth strides off and dissapears in a deeper chamber of the house.


((Sorry guys, I'm jst to tired to post for anyone else right now....))

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: -¤-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 22:23:20 12/07/02 Sat


The crimson minx purred as she slinked past the shadow prince.Her eyes focussing on the shadow that stod out only slightly from the others.
See you at the shadow tt...maybe we could play
She smirked,her blank eyes showing nothing as she slinked from Ezzys lair into the brightness of the dark tt,only to be met by another dragon....


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[> [> [> [> Subject: + Evil One + |Enlightened One|

Raistlin and Nuitari
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Date Posted: 06:35:03 12/08/02 Sun


+ Eyes only gaze upon the signed treaty +
+ Nothing else is observed, nothing else is heard +
+ Finally, Ezzy's dream was in effect +
+ Hopefully for the better +
+ Looking towards his sister, he nodded +
+ Nuitari was the jealous type, she would not be for this +
+ Neither would the Shadow Lady, his mate +
+ Pity their foolish souls +
+ Nodding head to Kaal and Takhisis +
+ The Shadow Lord become one with the darkness he ruled over +
+ The depths of the shadows +


|glancing to her brother, she knew|Raistlin would figure out she and some other Shadows were against this whole treaty|we were to remain the supreme dragon race, alone and against all others|oh well, so tradition was broken|not a surprise to the Shadowess, that her brother would be the one to do it|sighing, she did not look at either of the Gaians, as she too, vanished into the darkness of her being|

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: [follows]

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Date Posted: 12:19:34 12/08/02 Sun

Vixen remained for but a moment more, optics 'pon them. She shook her head just slightly and disapeared also.

Dead. Alive. Traitor. Shadow.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: -wicked-

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Date Posted: 16:46:42 12/08/02 Sun


-she steps silently from the shadows,and moves swiftly next to Bairavee.she smirks slightly at him,but only for a moment.she glares at Raistlin with onyx eyes full of hatred and cold fury.she restrains herself from saying anything to Raistlin,for she knew it wouldn't work.she would most likely end up fighting.she,however,says nothing.lucky Bairavee was there.she didn't want to upset him,so she simply glares and stays silent-


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

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Date Posted: 12:08:37 12/09/02 Mon

Male snorts. He wasn't sure he yet liked the idea of this whole treaty. They would see soon enough how it would work. The Shadow's, Death's, Blood's, Gaian's, and now Flaris. Would more race's show that wished to be held supreme amongst all else? Only time would tell. For now, he had to go back to the little dracling he'd found. Then he must speak with his brother and Crystal about her. The large gold turns and leaves the lair, following not far behind the several others' that had just left....

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