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Subject: -、-

Crystals Tear
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Date Posted: 23:55:48 12/17/02 Tue
In reply to: Bronze Warrior 's message, ":^:A Warrior's Hell:^:" on 15:02:18 12/17/02 Tue


The opal vixen placed her fine claw on top of Bronzes and released her will slowly.Flickering ooids watching the femmes changes closely she new how much Bronze liked her so she took some of the pain out of the change into herself.


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Silver glow encompasses the youth as the shift begins....

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Date Posted: 13:20:07 12/18/02 Wed

Instead of closing her firey orbs, she keeps them open and watches the two before her as she feels the changes taking place within her small body. Ebon scales shifted and disappeared, though the skin left behind remained rough in texture. A deep ruby red replaced the ebon black skin, and her bright red orbs swirled with gold until they became a full brilliant gold. The obsidian talons she had moments before been clicking anxiously against the ground became a solid gold. Her wings now shifted to the same deep ruby red as her skin and black thorns began to grow out along the edges and at the very tip. The thorns along the edges stopped growing at two feet long and the long, curved thorn at the tip of each wing stopped at four feet, though they would continue to grow as she did. The transformation was now complete, and before them stood another Hellbender....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 13:27:34 12/18/02 Wed

Golden brute moved his hand away from the newly transformed Hellbender and smiled down at her. He had been right. Another Hellbender, and one he was sure would be great. He would need to speak with his brother about her. He sighed warily for he was exhausted after shifting three Impure's in a single day, even though the last had been with help. After I speak with my brother, I will need to rest. It seems he has a greater kingdom to rule over than we had previously known. It seems as well that we will continue to keep getting new addition's. He spoke aloud, for he was too tired to bother with telepathy. He would need to ask his brother what to do about the possible Gaia that was sibling to Fae and Bull.....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: テe| the ナre that burns the ァou|

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Date Posted: 13:36:04 12/18/02 Wed

Newly transformed femme looks at her sparkling golden talons with interest as well as her now ruby skin. She then flaps her wings a little and looks at them to see if they were red also. Her eyes widen in surprise at not only finding them red, but with deadly looking thorns protruding from both the sides and the ends. Her golden gaze turns to Bronze and she grins broadly. She didn't hurt anymore! She scurries over to his side and snuggles up against his large golden leg. She didn't speak her thanks aloud, for she never would. But since she was a Hellbender, the fact that she was a mute no longer mattered. Her mind would do what her lips could not......

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 13:39:21 12/18/02 Wed

He smiled as Ariesa cuddled close to him. He wasn't normally affecionate, he never had been. But this little vixen had stolen his heart. He nuzzled her lovingly, wanting her to know that she was safe. You don't have to worry anymore Ariesa. I'm going to be your father now and you'll never be abandoned again. I promise you that.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: テe| the ナre that burns the ァou|

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Date Posted: 13:44:51 12/18/02 Wed

Golden orbs sparkle with happiness at his words and she jumps up and down. She had a daddy now! One who actually cared about her. Even though she didn't have a mommy yet, that was okay. Her new daddy would love her. She frowns at the thought of her old mommy and daddy, the ones that had left her to die when they found out she'd never talk. They had abandoned her in a volcano. She shakes the unhappy thoughts from her mind. It didn't matter anymore because she now had a daddy who loved her and was going to take care of her. She smiled up at him happily, and even turned her smile on Tears for a moment.....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: :^:A Warrior's Hell:^:

Bronze Warrior
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Date Posted: 13:47:51 12/18/02 Wed

He chuckled at her exuberance and turned to Tears. Lets get back to my brother and the others'. We'll take the new addition along. He nods to Ariesa. Come on. It's time you met all the other Gaians', he says, motioning for the little ruby to follow him out.....

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: テe| the ナre that burns the ァou|

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Date Posted: 13:50:10 12/18/02 Wed

Minature ruby nods to her new father and totters along behind him, wondering if she had any new family members' that she was to meet.....

OOC: Going back to the same post as before with them. See you there Lyss.

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