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Date Posted: 07:36:01 02/03/05 Thu
Author: Les
Subject: Re: Question about books
In reply to: JB 's message, "Question about books" on 07:42:26 10/15/03 Wed

>I have come across two different books and would like
>information about them if at all possible. Here they
>Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
>Telephone Directory
>Issue No 13 Dated 19 June 1945, RESTRICTED. This
>actually lists
>Eisenhower's personal number.
>Invade Mecum - A compiltation of military notes in a
>specifically designed for the "battle-dress pocket"
>and is held in
>by strings, on the towns and surrounding areas (maps,
>general info,
>Industry & agriculture, Water, Communications, Power,
>etc) of the
>French coast which I believe are for the invasion of
>Normandy. No
>date but the restriction on the maps state that the
>about the airfields is correct as on 1 Jan 44"
>Can anyone give me information concerning these books?
>I have no
>intent (as of now) to part with either one but I would
>really like
>to know more about them.

Hi JB;
WRT the Invade Mecum book; these were given out to the Platoon or Squad leaders (Lieut. or Capt.) prior to D Day. The print run was around 10,000 and there are several volumes (know of Vol. 3, 4 and 5) each covering specific areas or Arrondisements in France. Updates were issued cosisting of specific pages or whole sections. These books were compiled by the Allies in Oxford and Cambrige and printed in the UK. One of the authors who worked on the project was Austin Coleridge. The intent was to "level the playing field" against the Germans, who had been in France for 4 years and knew the ground well. Vast amounts of info were collated and compiled in a handt reference. Great Intel collectable. What volume do you have? How many volumes existed? Were they just for France? Any add'l info appreciated. Cheers!

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  • Re: Question about books -- James Mountain, 16:23:25 06/02/06 Fri
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