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The Barn
The Barn
*You come out of the sliding door at the kitchen & you walkf or a while when you come apon a large, well maintained barn. You walk inside & see 10 stalls & Brooke with Misty* "Hello, I see you found my private barn, it's not very big right now, but I will be adding on to it later, maybe open some of it to the public, who knows"*you see 5 stalls on each side*

Stall 1 - Sun Dancer - Stallion - Clydesdale - Cori
Stall 2 - Moon Dancer - Clydesdale - Mare
- Morning Glory - TB - Filly - Cori
Stall 3 - Lightning Bolt - Thoroughbred - Stallion - Cori

Subject: Stargate Continuum 2008 DVDRip XviD V4D3R

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Date Posted: 15:07:06 01/23/14 Thu

Stargate Continuum 2008 DVDRip XviD V4D3R > http://bit.ly/1myCAdC

Stargate Continuum 2008 DVDRip XviD V4D3R

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Subject: *the horses rustle in there stalls*

SD, MD, Glory & LB
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Date Posted: 03:58:48 08/31/01 Fri

Sun Dancer - *He neighs & kciks at the stall door, tryign tog et out*
Moon Dancer - *She nuzzles SD & Glory who is asleep in there stall since Moon Dancer is like a foster mother to her*
Glory - *sleeps silently*
LB - *He lays down in the stall, still lame, needing to go to the vet to be checked*

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