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Date Posted: 12:46:45 06/11/02 Tue
Author: Jord
Subject: -Payback-
In reply to: Jord 's message, "Apology" on 09:45:12 06/11/02 Tue

As Jord held Dante, he felt his inner fusion core weaken. He had used much of his energy for the bioelectric shot and the ambush that he was weakening now.
"Yield, fool!" Jord yelled, ignoring the fact he was losing power.
*Dante spits the pack of synthetic blood out.*
"I sense something... different about you, cyborg..." said Dante. "So much for technology, tinboy!"
*Dante flips Jord against a wall, which is partially destroyed from an impact with a man-machine hybrid.*
Dante entered a combat stance. Jord, barely recovered, accessed his backup power, a small battery that could take a few minutes of tough fighting at least.
*The duo circle each other, flashing weapons and await the first blow...*

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