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Date Posted: 12:10:57 06/12/02 Wed
Author: Akil Hiroshi
Subject: -Universe-
In reply to: Shina Nokimi 's message, "-A Thousand Realities-" on 18:15:19 06/11/02 Tue

*As she wraps her arms around him, his own arms encircle her. The smile remains, the silence blistering. Moments pass before words are spoken, before the glass wall of time shatters. His lips trail down to her, kissing her on the top of her head. As he pulls away, their eyes her caught in a daze. The ghosts of the past have greeted them, and they were left in the downpour of this light. He runs a hand through his own dirty-blond hair, unsure of the words to speak. Where did the friendship go? Was it still within? He only hopes that she hasn't yet locked the door to her own past. "Shina...how've you been? I haven't seen you in...forever." Time had already passed, spacing their worlds into opposite sides of the universe. Eight years. Long, desolate, too long. He prays that he can draw their worlds back together again. He prays that this binding can never be broken. Friends forever. That was the promise. It wasn't a lie.

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