Subject: He wonders vaugly how he got to be wrapped around the little devils finger. |
Author: Thor
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Date Posted: 18:26:56 04/12/02 Fri
In reply to:
's message, ". Sobs ." on 12:54:54 04/10/02 Wed
"Things weren't always...this way Ceniza," He begins, slowly. Some detached part of his mind questioning whether or not his sister is old enough to understand this, "Mother and Father adopted me, although I didn't know it, I've never known any parents but them, I sort of had to figure out for myself that I wasn't their child by birth. Thats why, when you were first born, I hated you, and resented your very existance. Then, you were born, and I didn't know you, because you were gone, and so were Mum and Father. Ceniza, there's something wrong with Father's history, or esle soemthign wrong with him, a dragoness hinted at that..." He realizes with a start, that he isn't making much sense at all, and clamps his mouth shut, "The point is Ceniza that I love you now, and there is no getting around that. I'm your brother, and no matter what, I always will be, whether I like your playmates or not." Spheres cast a not too adoring glance toward the dragoness in the distance, and he smile wryly down at Ceniza, "Don't replace me, ok?"
(Thory and I will be gone until the 20th. Bye!)
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