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Subject: ~She greets them~ Hello Trajedi, hi Lucifa.>>>

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Date Posted: 16:38:53 10/10/01 Wed

I am sorry for barging in like this, I just wanted to stop by for a visit. I haven't spoken to either of you two for quite a while. But... ~She reaches behind her back and pulls out a red shimmering giftbox.~ Here, I thought you might need this for hunting and whatnot. Open it! ~Inside was the most beautiful dagger that anyone had ever seen. It was dotted with rubies, as red as blood, and the handle was made out of pure gold. The blade was sharp enough to slice even the strongest of dragon scales. On the tip of the handle was a figurine of a dragon with its wings spread out elegantly.~
I hope you find some use for it. I ended up with it because my grandad gave it to me, and I have absolutely no use for it. I am but a mother with 4 hatchlings, and Cinder, one of my more rowdy hatchlings, does all the hunting with his very own dagger and his bow and arrow. ~She smiles.~ I hope you like it.

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[> Subject: *Cordially, she slithers from Trajedi's warm hold, to greet the guest. *

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Date Posted: 19:38:09 10/10/01 Wed

*she looks at the elegant piece, with more joy then could be told*She's speachless for a moment, as she tries to gather her words...no one had ever given her anything this glorious before* Oh Jewel.....this is....I...I can't possibly take this!*her eyes were yearning to keep the view of the dagger, but her heart knew it wasn't right, unless officially said* Jewel, your grandad gave this to you...it's like a family thing....I really can't take this!*she extends the daggers handle back to Jewel* Please....this is too precious..*she repeatedly shakes her head*..I...I really don't know what to say.

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[> [> Subject: *he lets her go, then greets their guest.* Why hello, Jewel. Nice to see you.*he looks at the dagger* Ooohhh...what do we have here?

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Date Posted: 10:58:02 10/11/01 Thu

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[> [> [> Subject: ~She grins contently~ Oh, Lucifa>>>

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Date Posted: 11:41:22 10/11/01 Thu

Don't be silly. Diamond and my family... Well, let's just say that there are plenty of 'family things' that we have to deal with right now. And this dagger, ~She smiles~ is just a temptation right now... ~She hoped they knew what she meant by this, since her father killed her mother and was too cruel to Diamond and her. She frowns at the thought of it.~
Please, just take it... I have absolutely no use for it, and never will. You deserve it, and will be needing it for teh winter, that is, if this cursed storm ever ends... But please. I insist upon it, it is my gift to you both to wish you many evil years to come and perhaps some little hatchlings running around ~She smiles and hands the dagger over once more, hoping that they would just take it.~
Please, I insist...

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *grimaces, but after a moment of thought, brightens her expression*

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Date Posted: 14:34:07 10/11/01 Thu

*she sighs, mockingly* Fine!*she stretches out the word, as a devious grin plays upon her lips* We'll take it...and thank you, very much Jewel.*looks to Trajedi* We'll always treasure it, and our children to come.*she glances back at her mate, knowing that would please him* SO....thanks again Jewel, you have no idea what this means to me-to us!*she bows to the gracious dragoness* I shall keep it as if it were my own heart, and to you also, many evil and prosperous years.*she raises her head, spheres beaming, as she clutches the dagger close to her mellow heart* Well, Jewel...is there anything we can do for you?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yes, for this..*his eyes widen, in endless marvel of the dagger* ..for this, anything!

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Date Posted: 12:26:04 10/12/01 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: No, no! >>

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Date Posted: 13:42:57 10/12/01 Fri

Don't be silly, I need to get home and check on the demons... The hatchlings, that is! Good bye, hope to see you again soon. ~She spreads her enormous jeweled wings (thats what she was named for, lol) and goes out the door to the cave, and waving good bye once more, she flies off to Jagged Peaks.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Bye...*she yells after her*....and thanks! *she turns to her mate* Now wasn't that interesting?*she grins before placing the dagger on a high, natural shelf* So.....

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Date Posted: 14:37:30 10/12/01 Fri

*she glides of to him, a soft hum in her throat.* Want to.....*she kisses his strong, thick neck*.....meet somewhere? *she brings her head back, a dark lustful look, weaving about her eyes*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: If your talking about the breeding place...I just might?

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Date Posted: 17:41:29 10/14/01 Sun

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *grins evilly* That I am....*she gives him a hard smack with her tail, and dives from her lair*

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Date Posted: 09:24:47 10/16/01 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *stunned slightly from the "playful" hit, he chases after her* Boy...she hits hard!

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Date Posted: 12:51:59 10/17/01 Wed

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