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Subject: *keeps shaking hard**green also starts shaking just as hard*

black egg & green egg
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Date Posted: 17:13:06 10/30/01 Tue
In reply to: Lucifa 's message, "*she watches the egg, heart loosing pace a bit. She wraps her paws around it gently, trying to steady it.* C'mon little one. If you want to hatch go ahead! *she smiles, and get's ready to help it if it needs it.*" on 14:40:58 10/30/01 Tue

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[> [> [> Subject: Geez..now they're both shaking. *she wraps her tail around them more, looping it occasionaly, so they couldn't roll from her. A rather annoyed growl, exscapes her.* Where's Trajedi?!

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Date Posted: 08:22:15 11/01/01 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Subject: *they both start bouncing,they fall out of her arms*>>>

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Date Posted: 16:14:28 11/01/01 Thu

*they fall,hitting the floor at the same time,busting open,2 hatchlings sit,they are exactly like their eggs,the green with dark purple stripes is a female,the blck with red stripes is a male,they look around*






markings:darn purple stripes


type:when she bites,she gives out deadly poison,she is a jungle dragon

personality:headstrong,independent,not super strong,but her smart and cunning tricks make up for it,she will not care much for males,but they will love her.






markings:orange stripes (orange instead of red)


type:he's hot!A bite from him will leave you burning , he's a lava dragon

personality:Likes bewing with other males,not very smart,but makes up is strenghth,thinks he is the best,very stubborn,short temper,and will love to be with females,and most will want to be with him.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: *looks at them startled, just as he lands, throwing the gator into the corner of the caves. He looks at his mate, not sure he could speak* Uhh...Lucif...a...umm....is....are...LOOK! *he points at them, only thing his mind could think of doing at the moment!*

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Date Posted: 20:30:46 11/01/01 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *she looks at them with a warm smile, much calmer then her mate.* Yes, I see, Trajedi. *she gives him an akward galnce* They're perfectly evil!>>>

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Date Posted: 08:47:04 11/02/01 Fri

Ok. So now we have to decide who's going to play them. First off thanx to the egg person, and if you would like to play one of them be my guest...if not just say so and I'll now that I have to find 2 people..okay? Good!

Trajedi, ask your sister to play one of them. Thanx, luv ya!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: I play them silly! *grinz* Why did you think i made up the stats?

same person
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Date Posted: 17:28:19 11/02/01 Fri

>Ok. So now we have to decide who's going to play them.
>First off thanx to the egg person, and if you would
>like to play one of them be my guest...if not just say
>so and I'll now that I have to find 2 people..okay?
>Trajedi, ask your sister to play one of them. Thanx,
>luv ya!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: (okay, great!) *She looks at her new hatchlings, a million thoughts roaming about her head* What are we to call you two? *she looks to her mate* What do you think ,Trajedi?

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Date Posted: 20:35:48 11/03/01 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *scratches his chin* Umm...how about I name the male and you name the female.>>

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Date Posted: 14:20:19 11/04/01 Sun

*his eyes narrow in thought* Dark Fire Lord. Fire Lord,for short. *he lifts his son, in proud arms, and whispers into his callow ears* You ARE Dark Fire Lord. *he sets him back on the ground. He then manually opens Fire Lord's wings, and tries to put his paws up, wanting him to look like the menacing dragon he wished Fire Lord to become.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *she looks down at her daughter* Her name will be Fearce Rains. *eyes light at the statement of her name*

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Date Posted: 16:59:33 11/04/01 Sun

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Dark Lord hisses and scrathes his father gently,then puts his wings down*>>

Dark Fire Lord & Fierce Rains
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Date Posted: 17:43:26 11/04/01 Sun

Dark Lord:*puts his arms down also and hisses at his sister*

Rains:*hisses back and lifts her arms up and wings out,trying to prove that she was the best hatchling,doing what her father wanted him to do*

Dark Lord:*snaps and crosses his arms,facing his back to her*

Rains:*snorts and looks almost exactly as her father wanted*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *looks at his son, amusement running through his gaze. He lowers his voice*

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Date Posted: 14:11:14 11/05/01 Mon

Your not going to let her get the better of you....are you? *he lifts Fire Lord's chin, with the tip of his tail.* 'Cause if you are, you might as well look at Rains....you could learn something. *he gives a quaint chuckle behind his wing to Lucifa*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *nods*

Dark Lord & Rains
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Date Posted: 16:52:58 11/05/01 Mon

Dark Lord:*snarls and shoves his sister down,then does exactly what she was doing*

Rains:*jumps up and tackles him,putting her arms up*

*they do this for a while,then just pinch each other every few minutes*

Rains:*stands with her arms out*

Dark Lord:*stands also with his arms out*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *sighs* Okay...that's enough.*

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Date Posted: 12:45:14 11/06/01 Tue

*she puts a barriering tail between the two.* You two have to go introduce yourselves, anyway. *she slide her tail towards her, catching her daughter in the midst. She curls, and then raises it, depositing Rains into her arms.* Ready? *she address this more to Fire Lord, since Rains didn't really have a choice. She whispers to her daughter, a grin in her eyes rather than her face* You did very well.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Rains smiles*

R & DL
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Date Posted: 17:07:29 11/06/01 Tue

Dark Lord:*goes to what is now "his hole in the wall" to kill a bunch of ants who made their hill there*

Rains:*hold her head up and high and doesnt mind her mothers grsp sice she outdid her brother*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *seeing his son had no intention of answering his mother, he took it upon himself to go and grab him*

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Date Posted: 12:34:51 11/07/01 Wed

*he speaks softly to him* You need to learn to answer, my son. *he begins to walk toward the entrance to their lair, well ahead of mate and daughter* I must say, Rains did beat you...but don't worry about it. You'll be a fierce fighter...I'll make sure of it. But first you must learn how to fly, and if you introduce yourself, I'll make sure to put that at the top of my agenda. *he gives Fire Lord a quick wink, then turns to Lucifa* We're ready. *he turns forward again, and jumps from sight, spreading his wings shortly after*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *snaps at leaves in the wind*

DL & Rains
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Date Posted: 16:57:29 11/07/01 Wed

Dark Lord:*spreads his wings and flaps them hard,acting as if he's doing all the work*

Rains:*stays in her mothers arms*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *following her mate's lead, she begins her descent from the lair*

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Date Posted: 12:50:29 11/08/01 Thu

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