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Date Posted: 01:24:57 10/27/01 Sat
Author: Godamus
Subject: Let's Trade! Got some movies you want!

Hey kozz, I have the following movies that you said you're looking for:

-Crazy Safari
-Fist of Fury 1991 (NO ENGLISH SUB!!! Note: I don't think this movie has a version that is subbed btw)
-Future Cops
-King of Comedy
-Kung Fu Vs Acrobatic
-Lung Fung Restaurant
-Once Upon A Time A Hero In China (I have 3 also, I didn't see it on your list and seeing how it seems you also like Jet Li movies I thought I'd let you know)

(I have one or the other of the two below, I can't remember which one off the top of my head though)
-Shaolin Popey
-Shaolin Popey II Messy Temple

All the movies I listed above are VCD, i have some more that are .avi (vcd rips) that you wante, but I didn't list them because I wasn't sure if you wanted non-vcd versions, but if you don't mind (quality is pretty good) lemme know.

I am definitely interested in trading you have several movies I'm interested in, particularly "All for the Winner/Saint Of Gamblers" and probably some of your other Jet Li and Stephen Chow movies. Please email me back at godamus38@hotmail.com if you're interested in trading, I can't icq you because I can't seem to get icq to work on win2k. I'm on cable modem so I have an upstream cap, but if we use ftp (so we can resume transfers) then I think it should be no prob. Ok please lemme know if you're interested.


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