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Jagged Peaks
You fly into a dark, yet elegant mountain top. Though many mountain tops are cold, this one is strangly warm. As you are admiring the climate, two large shadows desend on you. You look up to see a dragon and a dragoness. The dragoness speaks first. "Hello. I am Black Diamond. Please call me Diamond." The male steps forward. "You have entered our territory, Jagged Peaks. You may stay here as long as you like, but you musn't cause any trouble. You may be evil, but we do not want a "troubled" territory. Please make yourself at home." They smile, then fly off.
Alpha Dragon:~*Maxximus*~
Alpha Dragoness:~*Black Diamond*~
Lead Dragon:*~To Be Chosen~*
Lead Dragoness:~*Black Tundra*~
Back-Up Lead Dragon:*~Don't Ask~*
Back-Up Lead Dragoness:*~Black Jewel~*
Beta Dragon:*~Don't Ask~*
Beta Dragoness:*~Don't Ask~*
Gamma Dragon:*~Don't Ask~*
Gamma Dragoness:*~Don't Ask~*
Delta Dragon:*~Open~*
Delta Dragoness:*~Open~*
Epsilon Dragon:*~Open~*
Epsilon Dragoness:*~Open~*
Zeta Dragon:*~Open~*
Zeta Dragoness:*~Open~*
Theta Dragon:*~Open~*
Theta Dragoness:*~Open~*
Kappa Dragon:*~Open~*
Kappa Dragoness:*~Open~*
Lambda Dragon:*~Open~*
Lambda Dragoness:*~Open~*
Omicron Dragon:*~Open~*
Omicron Dragoness:*~Open~*
Sigma Dragon:*~Open~*
Sigma Dragoness:*~Open~*
Upsilon Dragon:*~Open~*
Upsilon Dragoness:*~Open~*
Omega Dragon:*~Open~*
Omega Dragoness:*~Satan's Ashes~*
Anything that say *~Open~* you may ask for. Number of Members: 14
~*Other Dragons*~
~*Other Dragonesses*~
Blue Icing{Adopted by Maxximus and Black Diamond}
Orb of the Devil {Adopted by Maxximus & Black Diamond}
Devil Dust {Maxximus x Black Diamond}
Plotted Revenge {Adopted by Maxximus & Black Diamond}
*Evil*Heart*&*Soul* {Adopted by Maxximus & Black Diamond}
Sulpher {Adopted by Black Jewel}
Gravity{Adopted by Black Jewel}
Cinder {Adopted by Black Jewel
White Ripple {Adopted by Black Jewel}
Maxximus & Black Diamond
~*Maxximus & Black Diamond's Private Lair*~
Stay out unless you have permission to come in.
~*Black Jewel's Private Lair*~
You need permission to go in.
~*Black Tundra's Private Lair*~
You need permission to go in.
*If you would like a lair please ask. I cannot garuntee that you will get one, but you may still ask.*
It is getting cold. In about a month there will be snow. Please stock up on food.
I hope everyone is praying. God Bless You All.
*If you have any news you would like me to put up, tell me.*
~*A Poem*~
~Deliberate Sins~
By: Caitlin/Black Jewel
Such sins commited in only one day.
We have decided that they must pay
For these unbelievable and in humane crimes.
I am afraid America will never forget these times.
Listening and watching what happened that day,
The whole country of America bowed their heads to pray.
For many, the feel of safety and security is no longer there
And the histoy of America will now have a tear.
Those who have done this are not human beings like you and I,
And the damage they've done has forced many to cry.
But this nation is strong and will conquer all.
This heinous act will not make America fall!
The evil ones thought they would tear us apart,
But they have done the opposite. We are united heart to heart.
Once they see our Nation's Flag waver in the wind,
They too will realize we have them down and pinned.
All of the savages who commited these deliberate sins,
Will very soon know that America wins.
~*Excused Absences/Inactivities*~
Maxximus- Absent
Black Diamond-LESS active
~*Where Are You?*~
Satan's Ashes
2. No making other dragon's and dragoness's lives miserable, even though we are evil.
3. Be respectful to the Alpha and Lead Dragon and Dragoness.
~*Date Last Updated*~
Back to Diablo Isle

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