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Date Posted: 14:25:44 09/07/01 Fri
Author: Diamond
Subject: -Comes over to her shivering children- "It's alright. Stay here, I'm going to light a fire."
In reply to: Soul & Revenge 's message, "*They huddle next to DD hoping to share each other's body heat. Soul looks up and screechs at the strange dragon in there with her. Revenge moves infront of DD and Soul and hisses protectivly.*" on 19:15:23 09/06/01 Thu

-She walks over to her neatly stacked dry wood on the very inside of her cave. She picks up some large logs and sets them in the middle of the cave. She goes back and gets some more, until the pile in the center is large. Then she walks to the tunnel leading to the outside and grabs a torch on the wall. She brings it back to the pile and puts the flame on the top, where she had put kindling sticks. The flames get bigger and she takes the torch away. She walks back to the tunnel. Then, as the fire is burning bright, she turns to her children.- "Come over near the fire. It is warmer there." -She smiles as they walk to the edges of the fire.- "Tell me if you need anything else." -She smiles and walks off to check on the rest of the dragons in the cave.-

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