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Date Posted: 11:40:24 06/16/02 Sun
Author: Lill' Travita, Washita, Myst and Mydnite
Subject: Mydnite shrugs.
In reply to:
Nicolae and Mia, Romulus II
's message, "*Nicolae grins*" on 08:07:47 06/15/02 Sat
"A bit bored," he says and makes a face. "Wanna do something?"
Washita smiles at Mia. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. Have you met any nice boys yet?" she asks with a teasing twinkle.
Lill' Travita looks over the family and catches Romulus' eyes. "It's been nice to talk to you again and meet your pups. If you don't mind I might visit you in Nature's Blessings soon."
"Of course not," Washita says and smiles up at her.
Lill' Travita smiles back and nuzzles her daughter. "I'll see you later, then." She pads off.
Myst looks silently after her, then croushes together by her father's side.
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*Romulus grins* -- Romulus II, 18:52:45 06/22/02 Sat
See, she's not bad at all is she?
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Myst cocks her head as she looks up at her father. -- Myst, 17:52:18 06/26/02 Wed
"No... she isn't." She says it dwelling, like she had never though of it before. A small smile appear on her face.
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*Romulus grins* -- Romulus II, 13:46:00 07/02/02 Tue
You guys ready to go home?
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Myst nods. -- Washita, Myst and Mydnite, 12:26:51 07/03/02 Wed
She gets to her feet and waits for her mother and brother.
"It's been nice to be here again," Washita says and smiles as she looks over the place once more before she turns to leave. "Well, come on guys, let's go home." She walks off, and her pups follow her.
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