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Date Posted: 12:59:11 07/12/02 Fri
Author: Lill' Travita and Athinya
Subject: ~Time To Die~

An old wolf sneaks accross the territory border. The female is not a member, but in addition to her old skills as a fighter and killer, she has a familiar scent that helps her get into the pack without attention. The scent of the alpha female.

Lill' Travita has fallen asleep after saying goodbye to Blue Wind and Desert Wind. Suddenly she is fully awake and jerks her head up, looking around to see what had awoken her.
"Athinya!" she gasps as she sights her sister stealing up on her.
Athinya snarles and leaps at her. Within seconds, and before the alpha female gets to call for help, Athinya's jaws are clenched around her sister's throath.
Lill' Travita stares terrified up at her sister, at first trying to get free but then realizing it only helps the teeth in her neck dig deeper in. Her eyes fill with tears as she realizes this is her end. "Ah.. Athinya... why...?" she forces through.
Her sister growles deeply, then she makes a cruel sneer without letting go of a hair. "Why, Travis? You wanna know why? Then listen to me!" She bites harder, and her sister whines in pain.
"You've been nothing but a torn in my eye all life. In the pack, you were always in the way. All you ever did was ruin the fun. Mom should never have let you live. And when you ran off, dad forced her to come after you. Didn't know that, did you? She died because of you!" Athinya bites even harder, and feels the metallic taste of clood as she reaches the artery. Travis nearly faints, and her eyes are almost white of pain and fright as she looks at her sister, but she's still breathing.
"You are the reason why my brother and I was sent out to find mom. I could have been alpha female if I had stayed in the pack! I could still have had a family! Now I have nothing; the pack I fought for I lost, even Natancher is taken away from me! All because of you, Travis, all because of you. While you've got all you ever dreamed of, I've lost everything. And you, of all! You don't deserve a pack! What have you ever done for it? Which battles have you fought? You don't even dare fight! And you're asking why?!"
Athinya snarles madly, jawing deeper into her sister's neck. "You've taken my life, sister. That's why I'm taking yours." With those words she rips out what's left of Lill' Travita's throath.

The last thing Lill' Travita sees before her heart stops beating, is her sister standing over her, her blood dripping from her mouth, eyes dark of hate glaring down at her. She doesn't know it, but she leaves this world just like her grandmother did, just like she was preterminded to. It was the curse that came with the milky white fur and loving personality. She didn't just look exactly like her grandmother. In some ways she lived her life again. Now they are united on the Other Side of Life.

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[> anger that lays withing your soul... -- Azure, 13:09:30 07/12/02 Fri

are the deepest one...
the sky blue male sits alone on a hill. Eyes half close when he spots his mate. He starts to trot down to her, close he sees the female that attacks. eyes growns with hate and anger of the female that kills his mate. the large male starts to run and he leaps on the female, and bites in her neck. old, and tires he is indeed, yet know he fights for revenge on his only love's killer.

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[> [> Re: anger that lays withing your soul... -- Sunfinder, 22:55:59 07/12/02 Fri

*she runs up growling when she saw what happened she pulls at the females tail*

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[> [> [> ~Beginning of the End~ -- Athinya, 04:29:06 07/13/02 Sat

Athinya snarles madly and tries to shake Azure off, but she is already tired after her fight with her sister, and just as old as the male. She doesn't get her neck free, but manage to twist around enough to kick her sister's mate in the belly, hoping to tear the soft skin up with her sharp claws. She might already have completed her mission, she might be old and tired and Azure might have her in a death grip, but she has nothing to loose, so she fights.

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[> [> [> [> Re: ~Beginning of the End~ -- Sunfinder, 07:08:11 07/13/02 Sat

*she lets go of the she wolf's tail and goes underneath her and bite her stomach and pulls the skin*

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[> [> [> [> [> what is the end.. -- Azure, 10:17:12 07/13/02 Sat

pain,pain all he feel is pain. pain in his belly, pain in his heart. tired, so tired. old male, he is. will this be his last fight? who ought to know...
he bites harder. moving his jaws to her trouth. biting, jaws to lock.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: what is the end.. -- Sunfinder, 22:19:55 07/13/02 Sat

*while she is biting the stomach she scratches underneath with her claws*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~Last Fight~ -- Athinya, 08:10:25 07/14/02 Sun

Wild of pain, Athinya gives one last, desperate attempt at pulling her neck free from Azure's grip. For a brief moment it feels like she made it, but then the pain comes flowing like an avelange of death and blood flows out from a large wound in her throath. She realizes she didn't get free; most of her neck is still stuck between Azure's teeth. All she did was make the wound he had given her larger; large enough to kill.
She can't keep her head up, her last strenght leaving her along with her blood, but her eyes are filled with hate enough to kill both Azure and Sunfinder. As she falls to the ground she manages to give Azure one last kick, using all she has left of powers. Then she just lays there, never to rise again.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: ~Last Fight~ -- Sunfinder, 09:05:27 07/14/02 Sun

*the she-wolf falls on top of her and she struggles to get out*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> the sun will set, and he will never see it rise again... -- Azure, 15:00:47 07/14/02 Sun

the large male stares at the dead femora, he walks over to a bush and falls down, he sighs and knows that the time has come. he is wounded, his body hurts, and he is tired. he howls for Acholan
"the time has come son, you are the new alpha now, take care of the pack"
then he close his eyes and dies

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~An End and A Beginning~ -- Acholan, 02:03:18 07/18/02 Thu

He runs up to Azure at once he hears his howl, but he can soon see he is too late. Tears steam down his face as he howles his last goodbye to his parents, but he does not cry. He can't. This is their end, but also his beginning -- as alpha. From now on he has to put the pack first, even when all he wants to do is lay down and die with them. With his head held high but neck bowed in sorrow he goes to find Sierra, the new alpha female.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: ~An End and A Beginning~ -- Sunfinder, 08:20:51 07/18/02 Thu

*she gets up and lies near Azure*I don't have parents anymore*she whimpers*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Shock* -- Sierra, 08:37:04 07/18/02 Thu

Her ears perk at the howl and she runs in to find both alphas and a strange female dead. She stands there, frozen in shock and horror.
Hadn't it just been awhile ago that she had been talking to Travita. She slowly backs up, what was going to happen to the pack now?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sunfinder, 10:22:39 07/18/02 Thu

*she looks at this female and sniff*I-IF you are the mate to Acholan you are the new alpha female *and she mutters to herself again*I'm abanded again

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sierra, 15:25:13 07/18/02 Thu

*She backs up once again and frowns*
"Acholan's the new alpha? It can't be...I can't be the new alpha female."
*Her frown deepens. This couldn't be? She wasn't a born leader and alpha female's couldn't let their pack down. Her attention is diverted to the pup and she licks Sunfinder's head*
"Child, it's ok. We're all family here."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sunfinder, 22:21:28 07/18/02 Thu

We are?*looks at her*My name is Sunfinder.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sierra, 09:09:25 07/19/02 Fri

*She smiles and nods*
"We are. As you probably already know, I'm Sierra. One of the new alphas...I guess."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sunfinder, 10:05:31 07/19/02 Fri

What is the matter *cocks her head*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sierra, 16:57:34 07/19/02 Fri

*She shrugs*
"Oh, it's nothing. I guess its sort of a shock that Acholan's the new alpha. His parents died so suddenly and now all of a sudden, I'm supposed to be an alpha too."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sunfinder, 23:17:15 07/19/02 Fri

I'm sure you will do great

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Shock* -- Sierra, 17:32:59 07/21/02 Sun

*She smiles*
"Thanks, i hope I do. well, I better go find Acholan. I'll see you around. Just howl if you need me."
*She pads out*

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