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Date Posted: 00:28:40 08/05/02 Mon
Author: Perisma
Subject: ::She nuzzels him::
In reply to:
Everest and Always
's message, "Walks over." on 08:36:22 08/04/02 Sun
Hello Sweetie ::She spots the female pup and smiles kindly:: I am Perisma ::She bows:: Nice to meet you Always ::Two young lads wonder over, they are just starting to lose all there puppy fur, the dark silver pup bows to Always, the Light golden male bows to her aswell:: Everest, Always meet my two sons Malakian and Odadjian
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He smiles. -- Everest and Always, 13:27:00 08/08/02 Thu
He returns the nuzzle and grins at the two males, "Hello Malakian, Odadjian," he says with a warm smile. Always smiles at Perisma, thinking she seemed nice and takes a double-take at the two males. She recognized them to be her birth brothers, their scent familar to her, reminding her of her early puppyhood. "Hey.. aren't you..?" she says, leaving her sentence unfinished.
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::Looks:: -- Malakian & Odadjian, 22:52:33 08/08/02 Thu
::Malakian smiles to Always sencing a familer bond to her, He turns to Odadjian and whispers in his ear "Odadjian! Does she look familer to you, its like i have seen her before, and the her scent is familer, Odadjian grins and whispers back into Malakians ear "yeah she does" Smiles to her:: Always do you wanna come with us and play or something, or maybe we can go have a suprize?? ::Malakian and Odadjian wait, Perisma grins::
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Looks. -- Everest and Always, 11:37:09 08/10/02 Sat
Everest looks to his mate and smiles, glad that the three got along. "The alpha has just offered us the gamma positions," he says with a smile, "I told him we'd be happy to take them, if it's alright with you," he says with a grin. Always smiles and nods, "Sure! Whatcha want to do??" she asks, excitedly.
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