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Date Posted: 07:39:25 08/10/02 Sat
Author: Acholan
Subject: Approaches.
In reply to: Another Chance 's message, ":o: Newcomer :o:" on 19:48:19 08/09/02 Fri

The alpha male approaches the newcomer with his head and tail held high, showing authority, but with a friendly smile on his face also.
"Welcome to Whispering Woods," he greets her. "I am Acholan, the alpha male."

ooc: Sorry it took so long before you got an answer. I've been really busy and a bit unactive lately, and my fellow alpha is a little new in the game... Please excuse us.

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[> [> [> :o:Nods :o: -- Another Chance, 18:31:57 08/10/02 Sat

"And I am Chance. Seeing as how you are busy I'll make this quick."
In respect the fem' ducks her head and tucks in her tail. With a sigh, she holds the position for a moment before standing upright again, and looking at Acholan curiously. With a brief shake of her head the wolf takes a step back.
"See you later my alpha."
With a gently chuckle she turns and leaps away.
ooc: Quite alright, didn't mean to be a bother ;)

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[> [> [> [> Small smile. -- Acholan, 04:40:56 08/11/02 Sun

Acholan smiles a little as he looks after the female. It felt good to get all those new members into the pack, but it also made him too busy to take care of his family, and he was glad she understood. With a small sigh he head towards the next calling for his attention.

OOC: *lol* Wow, this was effective. But my little outburst wasn't ment for newcomers. They should be the alpha's firsth priority, but right now it seemed like every member in the whole pack wanted a piece of Acholan, and one wolf taking up so much space in a pack isn't good for that play, that's all.

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[> [> [> [> [> OOC: -- Another Chance, 19:50:48 08/14/02 Wed

*gins evilly as she whips out a plastic knife*
...hehehehe...i can help make lil' acholan available for everyone. would you prefer strips of chunks?
*laughs insanely, then frowns as the plastic knife falls into a bottomless pit*
errr....neva mind....guess acholan stays whole...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ooc: -- Bast, 04:16:57 08/17/02 Sat

Uh... thanks, I'd prefer that, yeah. *gives you and the plastic knife a weird look and hurries away with her charra*

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