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Date Posted: 10:42:56 08/10/02 Sat
Author: Washita
Subject: Pads in.
In reply to: Nicolae, Mia 's message, "*Nicolae sits down silently, after following his father*" on 12:36:54 08/09/02 Fri

Washita pads into Whispering Woods, returning to the pack she in her heart calls home, but it doesn't give her the warm feeling it once would. All there is place for in her broken heart is Myst, but her baby is gone, killed, murdered. Her little body is torn in pieces and her life thrown away like it was whortless, and Washita can't get it out of her head. Her daughter will never come to her for comfort and protection again, 'cause no one had been there to protect her when she really needed it.
Even the children she has left can't get Washita out of the sorrow she is drowning herself in. But at least she finds a slight comfort in seeing two of them there, alive, so she walks over to them.

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[> [> *Nicolae walks over and nuzzles his mom* -- Nicolae and Mia, 12:58:25 08/10/02 Sat

Mother, father is talking to your brother it looks serious. Dad looks really sad mom. I think he needs you. Mom, don't let losing Myst make you die, ok? Mia and I we need you. Dad would be lost without you. Please mom please. *A worried look in his eyes look at you begging almost.*

*Mia nods* I've already lost a sister, I don't want to lose you too.

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[> [> [> Looks at them. -- Washita, 13:33:03 08/10/02 Sat

Washita listens to her kids begging her not to let them down, to be there for them, to take care of her family, but although that's all she's ever wanted to do, it now makes her break down crying - again.

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[> [> [> [> *Romulus II runs over seeing her* -- Romulus II, 13:50:54 08/10/02 Sat

Washita we need to talk. It's important. *He nuzzles her gently, and licking her face.* Nicolae you need to talk to Acholan, and Mia you need to get to know our new pack. We're going to stay here now. *He watches his children walk away silently* Washita, I gave up the pack for you. You always seemed happiest here. Nicolae will be the beta male. What I need to say is much more important though. Washita, if you want me to go to another pack I will. If you can't stand the sight of me, I'll leave for as long as you want or need. I don't want to, but if you want me to then I will. Washita, you are my entire reason for being, please know that. *He turns away tears in his eyes, praying she will want him to stay with her forever.*

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