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Date Posted: 14:33:44 08/20/02 Tue
Author: Romulus II
Subject: He nuzzles her softly
In reply to:
's message, "She stares at him." on 11:22:23 08/19/02 Mon
"I never will, not if you want me to stay. Don't worry, I'll always be here for you, always."
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Sighs relieved. -- Washita, 12:31:16 08/21/02 Wed
Actually, she nearly faints as the adrenaline leaves her body. The shock, the grieving, the crying - alltogether it's left her pretty exhausted. She doesn't sleep well and eat little, if anything at all, and it's starting to show on her. But she doesn't care. Right now it's for a bether reason than usual though.
"Oh, thank you, thank you Romulus!" she whispers and leans towards him, tears streming down her face. "You're so kind to me, much more than I deserve. I'm sorry I'm so.. useless. I can't even take care of my own kids. I've failed you, Romulus, I'm so sorry. It would be right of you to leave me, but... oh, I can't even stand the thought of it!" She sobs heavily, and must lay down again, unable to stand on her weak feet as the sobs shake her body.
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He looks at her harshly. -- Romulus II, 18:13:31 08/24/02 Sat
"What happend to her was not your fault. You've failed nobody. It is I who have failed. My own son is practically following in my footsteps, revenge. I can't find him anywhere." He sighs sadly. "I can't even keep you happy. I gave up the pack for you, and that helped nothing."
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She sobs. -- Washita, 14:09:40 08/29/02 Thu
His words only makes her cry harder. "I'm so sorry you had to give up the pack," she whispers. "I know how much you wanted it. You're too kind to me. I can't ever repay it. I know you don't like that I cry so much, but I can't help it. I keep trying to be as good to you as you are to me, but I can't. I'm sorry because I love you so high, and I can't show it the way I want."
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He grins -- Romulus II, 14:42:17 08/29/02 Thu
"You are kind to me, more kind than anyone ever was."
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