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Date Posted: 02:56:53 09/01/02 Sun
Author: Yona
Subject: ~She slips in at the furtest corner, furthest from the eye.~
~Her soul once unaware, almost inoccent soiled by her own self. Her mind living in deep sorrow like the endless pits of Satan. So many thoughts and dreams close to perishing in the heart like a lost fawn on a barren plane that never ends. She wasn't entirely sure why, her journey had been nothing - as always - with the odd sighting of her death wrung mother. The root seemed to be at the neglegence of her mate, her activity in the unknown places of Northern Sunrise instead of the familiar. She was unsure if she should be here - with this pack. If they faintly remembered her or if DarkCloud even wanted her but it was worth one last try. In her despair she curled up and dremt of her life as a pup. Safe in the company of mother and father.~
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::The silver male wonders over to the lonely fem:: -- Malakian, 00:04:00 09/02/02 Mon
::Keeping a close eye out for any who may want to acttck him from behind, he looks to the fem, he speaks politly:: Hello ::He bows:: I am Malakian ::Seeing that she has been hurt in some way he sits down going off guard for a while:: are you ok??
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Re ~She lifts her head with a flick of her ears.~ -- Yona, 00:21:25 09/02/02 Mon
~She remains as she is but nods slowly with a slight quiver, as though still a pup - almost as if she were trapped in her dream. She wished foor him to leave her alone - yet to stay, for company and comfort. She opened her mouth but stopped, and tried again until she found something suitable - that made sense.~ Why do you ask?
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DarkCloud begins to pad over but stops seeing her with another male. -- DarkCloud, 11:22:32 09/02/02 Mon
With tears in his eyes he runs away.
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Re: ~She raises her head swiftly to the darting figure.~ -- Yona, 12:45:21 09/04/02 Wed
~She looks past the wolf in suprise. Was it? She walks past him as if he wasn't there but looks back suddenly. She smiles a thank you, almost a different wolf. She lowers her head to the ground and follows the wolf's scent, hoping to find him.~
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